Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Originally Posted by ajmat (Post 1157393)
My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping

And then the fight started

Go home and tell some of these jokes.
And then the fight started. :uncontrol


Originally Posted by condor (Post 1158655)
@Ceejay : Search, before you post !

Dude, i've noticed that you tend to remember all jokes in this thread and reprimand repeats! Commendable memory!clap:

@Tejas, I'll let you in on a small secret : Luckily for me, there is a " search this thread " button at top which makes it easy for me.

It does help when I find a particular joke famililar.

A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died.
After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.

She asks What's the story?
He replies just crap in the carburettor

And how often should I do that? she asks.


Originally Posted by condor (Post 1158811)
@Tejas, I'll let you in on a small secret : Luckily for me, there is a " search this thread " button at top which makes it easy for me.

It does help when I find a particular joke famililar.

Hmmm... but to go through the whole search process to actually reprimand someone is a bit too much if you ask me... Still, commendable memory. Anyways, let's not go anymore OT and get back to jokes.


Santa was getting bitten by mosquitoes the whole night. He got irritated... drank poison & said, Ab kaato saalon, sab maroge!

Boss: Where were you born?
Santa : Punjab ..
Boss : which part ?
Santa : Kya which part ? Whole body born in Punjab .

2 terrorists from pakistan were fixing a bomb in a car.
terrorist 1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing.
terrorist 2 : Dont worry, I have one more.

Quite liked this one.

The Official Joke thread-comparison.jpg


Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl (Post 1158847)
Hmmm... but to go through the whole search process to actually reprimand someone is a bit too much if you ask me... Still, commendable memory. Anyways, let's not go anymore OT and get back to jokes.

If Condor did not condorize then this thread would be 10 times as big as its now and not even half as interesting.

3 cheers for Condor. clap:

This friend of mine forwards a lot of jokes. last night he sent one which he has sent me a couple of times before. The first thought that came to my mind was," This guy needs to be Condored " hee hee

Seriously condor this really happened :D

Management Lessons....


Originally Posted by vivekiny2k (Post 1160403)
not really

Can you please tell us how you can search out images unless you have a vague idea of when it was posted.

I could not resist myself from starting this new thread, in stead of posting this on "Official Joke Thread", so that more and more number of fellow BHPians can watch and get the best medicine - Laughter!

YouTube - Pakistani Media-Reporter, a deadly video

My intention is not to make this poor guy's mockery.....just wanted to share with you.

Mods: If you think it should not be a separate thread then please move it.

Cheers!!! :)

Dude how did you find the video?! absolutely hilarious... ha ha ha ha ha ha...
too good!!!!

Mwahahah Karachi se log!

Hahaha....thats one hilarious video!!! eyes are watering,having laughed so hard!!

HAHAHA! "Ek Dafa Aur.."
I think he would keep on saying this till the next Eid.

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