Et Cetera
Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
(Post 829037)
And finally today by Rudra |
Sam, out of your 7 links only this one has the one I posted..
I've removed my post. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Rudra Sen
(Post 829361)
Sam, out of your 7 links only this one has the one I posted..
I've removed my post. Thanks. |
Did you remove the posts in the 6 links as well, apart from your own post? lol:
P.S: No offence, I want to make a point here. Moderators, when they know that they have made a mistake, have the power to edit/delete their post. Even I wish I could edit/delete some of my earlier posts. Can Mods do something in this regard? Like say, we request the Mods to edit/delete some posts by providing the link to that post, the Mods discuss among themselves if its OK and then try to effect the change. In this very thread (and others as well), there have been many instances of repeat posts and the members have been notified by fellow-members and warned by moderators. I know the Moderators have their hands full with moderating the site, in between their busy schedules of personal and professional life. But then :D
Originally Posted by Eddy
(Post 827804)
What is the height of secrecy ?
:D |
How do you keep an idiot in suspense for 24 hours :D
Originally Posted by arif_t01
(Post 829373)
Did you remove the posts in the 6 links as well, apart from your own post? lol: |
No, I haven't. You can ask Sam about those.
Can Mods do something in this regard? Like say, we request the Mods to edit/delete some posts by providing the link to that post, the Mods discuss among themselves if its OK and then try to effect the change.
We don't discuss all the time. Unless it warrants for discussion.
In this very thread (and others as well), there have been many instances of repeat posts and the members have been notified by fellow-members and warned by moderators.
It's a huge thread running for years. A strict tracking is an issue especially when moderators don't follow this thread on a day to day basis.
I know the Moderators have their hands full with moderating the site, in between their busy schedules of personal and professional life. But then :D
Well, you know that..:)
Rugby is a game played by men with peculiarly shaped *****. :D
There is a reason that moderators do not infract members when they re-post a joke, but simply suggest (or "warn") that they use the search feature within this thread before posting.
Also, most repeat jokes are pointed out to moderators via "Report post" - and we delete the post. This is exactly the action that Rudra has taken on his own post.
I'm not sure i see the point you are trying to make, but this is not the place to discuss it. Please PM me (CC:Rudra) if you wish to discuss this further.
PS - for some reason, all the links you have provided point to the same page.
Just got this mail in office
"WOMEN SEEKING MEN" Classifieds translations
Redhead means: Shops on the Clairol aisle
Reliable means: Frumpy
Reubenesque means: You can figure this one out
Romantic means: Looks better by candle light.
God, I was just doing time-pass and some masti with the old man because this is a joke thread.
Please show me one member who got infracted for repeating a joke, lol.
if you need to check whether it has been posted before, it'll take a lot of time
I'll give you 2 words - advanced search. Takes 15 seconds tops. Copy a few words from a joke you intend to post and try it.
Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
(Post 829615)
Takes 15 seconds tops. Copy a few words from a joke you intend to post and try it. |
Sam boy,thanks man,I didn't knew this advance search hehehehe,ive hardly used the search feature like 10-12times and i used to end up searching each and every thread :D thanks once again
Hey All,
Thanks to my dear and near friends that today morning when i put my nick in Google, i get to see this..
nikibusa - Google Search
Very funny indeed. This Video was taken during 1 of our meets. There is also a voting on another car forum for this video.
Haha funny thing...
Did you mean nokiausa
egosurfing can be bad for your ego i guess :D
Sinner, when everyone told me about they spotting a car with an exhaust i got wild on them & they also added that it was a custom exhaust & i was like, why the hell you guys did not wake me up for that drive. I missed that note. And when i got to hear what they has to show me i was like W.T.F?? Crazy & had a hearty laugh too..
Eveybody are complimenting for the joke. But, what is the joke here?
Originally Posted by Eddy
(Post 827804)
What is the height of secrecy ?
:D |
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