Originally Posted by amol4184 A tragedy has stuck us. |
Originally Posted by amol4184 As of 8th July he is still lost, that's 4 days now. |
Originally Posted by amol4184 Don't want to spam but I have a semi-good news!
Originally Posted by ninjatalli This is excellent news. |
Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom she was known to be around for quite a whilee. |
Originally Posted by Fuldagap Eagerly waiting for your next post. |
Runaway cat is home. The ordeal is over. I can sleep now.
Last night, 9th of July I went to setup a new trap near where he was spotted by the IR camera. And as luck would have it, little guy peeked out from under the shed as we were setting traps and started meowing - he clearly knew our voices! I threw some chicken pieces towards him and he ate it. But he was still hesitant. We made sure we did not appear too happy and kept the manner cool. Next I made a trail of dry food/kibbles from the shed all the way to the trap. That hooked him out of his hiding spot. A few minutes later he was out and came very close to me. Without spooking him or showing over excitement, I picked him and he didn't resist. Probably too exhausted?
I then put him in the trap which was already setup and closed the door before he could realize. Then we carried the little bandit home, all safe, secure and sound.
Funnily enough, as soon as we reached home and let him out of trap he knew where to go and acted as if nothing had happened. He drank a lot of water, ate a lot of food, found his litter and took a dump and everything was back to normal just like that. The other cat, Roman despite missing him for days is acting scared and hisses at Chico. It appears that is an expected behavior after a hiatus and might take a day or two before they both assimilate. I shall keep you posted how that goes, there are some tricks to make reunion faster and we plan to do that.
Anyway. I Can't appreciate the support and kind words from this forum more. Those of you have indoor cats and wanting to take them out for some outdoor adventure, do NOT trust the harness at all. It doesn't matter how expensive it is or how many stars it has on Amazon, the cat will escape at the most unexpected moments. If your cat is brave and cuddles up to humans easily then he/she will get found earlier but if not then the cat will wait the longest time before making any move to return home and that time is just terrible. Seattle is currently boiling at India like 35-38 degree C temps and that might have caused Chico to throw up the resistance.
Thankfully as Ninja and T-E-G pointed out, the cats are very likely to remain in the same vicinity after being displaced. Chico did the same. He didn't wander off too far and all these days he was probably hearing our voices, looking at us from his hiding spot etc. Its crazy how these animals act once in survival mode. Chico had absolutely no outdoor experience, no street smarts, no aggressiveness, no courage even (we call him Fattu) but survived somehow. We weighed him and he's lost about 300 grams of his weight. Not too bad. We are guessing, against our assumptions, that he killed a mice or two and endured.
Some artifacts from the harrowing 5 days that we will never forget and taught us many lessons along the way:
The area showing where he was lost and ultimately found. The "found" place is a tool shed to keep tools for maintenance of the field. I am guessing Chico was hiding there all the time but too scared to come out. He only came out once he was extremely hungry and tired. This hiding spot was pointed out by the drone search team as "most probable". Before that, I didn't think the cat will come out in the open field, walk the distance and hide under the shed.
We had put up around 15 such posters at intersections and in the park. One below is exactly above the little opening into the woods in which he ran off.
Caught this Possum twice in the trap but no cat.
The trap that ultimately brought the cat home. You can also see many other posters which we had readied to put out but we didn't need to.
Little rogue is home. All the efforts and heartburn were worth it.
Oh and the camera that definitively changed the search game :