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Old 25th September 2024, 00:00   #1
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Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

I was just going through the TATA.ev website, which I must say is an amazing webpage to visit , and I was checking the starting prices of all the ev vehicles.

Tiago.ev starts @ 7.99 Lakhs (what!! that's a steal)
Punch.ev starts @ 9.99 Lakhs
Tigor.ev starts @ 12.49 Lakhs (4.5 Lakhs more than Tiago - for a bigger boot? )
Nexon.ev starts @12.49 Lakhs
Curvv.ev starts @17.49 Lakhs

Looking at the price of Tigor.ev, it seems that Tata is least interested in selling it. My question being why is it 4.5 Lakhs more expensive than Tiago. I see only the following advantages in Tigor.ev over the Tiago.ev

1. Bigger battery
Tiago XE has a 19.2 kWh High energy density Lithium ion battery pack
Tigor XE has a 26 kWh High energy density Lithium ion battery pack

2. More powerful electric motor
Tiago XE has a 45 kW motor
Tigor XE has a 55 kW motor

I don’t see any other major differences, but asking for an additional 4.5 Lakhs for the Tigor XE seems highly overpriced—almost delusional.

Do you guys agree or am I missing something here?

Last edited by GTO : 25th September 2024 at 09:16. Reason: No more than 2 smileys / post please
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Old 25th September 2024, 09:20   #2
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

The Tigor EV is sold majorly to fleet operators. It maybe a marketing strategy to discourage individual consumers from buying one so that the other EVs in their portfolio are not sold to fleet and become known as taxi cars.
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Old 25th September 2024, 09:26   #3
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

Originally Posted by Motard_Blr View Post
The Tigor EV is sold majorly to fleet operators. It maybe a marketing strategy to discourage individual consumers from buying one so that the other EVs in their portfolio are not sold to fleet and become known as taxi cars.
Quite a strange strategy if you ask me. Why wont the fleet operators go for the "other" cheaper and better cars and make them taxi cars ?
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Old 25th September 2024, 09:35   #4
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

When I visited the Tata showroom to see Punch.ev about a month back.

The sales executive said, they were asked not to sell Tigor EV. I didn't dig further whether it was fleet only or there was a facelift around the corner.

But that explains the lack of price correction on the Tigor vis-a-vis other Tata EVs.
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Old 25th September 2024, 09:35   #5
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

Originally Posted by electric_eel View Post
Quite a strange strategy if you ask me. Why wont the fleet operators go for the "other" cheaper and better cars and make them taxi cars ?
The selling price to fleet operators is likely to be cheaper than the retail price of even the Tiago thanks to order sizes. Note that fleet operators don't buy from dealers. They negotiate directly with the manufacturers because their orders may be 100+ at once.
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Old 25th September 2024, 10:28   #6
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

I don't think the Tigor is displayed in any Tata.EV stores either (are they? didn't think so) - I'm guessing they discontinued the model but didn't do an official announcement.

Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?-tataevedapally.jpg

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Old 25th September 2024, 11:49   #7
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

Originally Posted by JoseTheScorpion View Post
Do you guys agree or am I missing something here?
Sub-4m sedans is a dying segment. So i think Tata is just not looking at the price for the same.
Originally Posted by electric_eel View Post
Quite a strange strategy if you ask me. Why wont the fleet operators go for the "other" cheaper and better cars and make them taxi cars ?
Tata doesn't sell Tigor.EV for fleet. It sells it in under Xpress-T moniker similar to Maruti selling dzire as Dzire-Tour. The pricing for Xpress-T can be completely different to Tigor.EV
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Old 25th September 2024, 19:17   #8
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

On a closer look, I see that the torque numbers on the Tiago XE and the Tigor XE are very different:
Tiago XE is only 110 NM torque
Tigor XE has 170 NM torque

I assumed that the much faster 0-100kmph time, might have contributed to overpriced Tigor, but then Tata have themselves shared the 0-60kmph time on their respective webpages and it looks very shocking.

Tiago XE
Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?-tiago-xe-pickup.jpg

Tigor XE
Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?-tigor-xe-pickup.jpg

Does 60NM of extra electric torque only have a difference of 5 milliseconds? I really doubt this calculation. Anyway, I feel bad for anyone how opted for Tigor over Tiago, as the costing is surely not justified in my opinion.

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Old 25th September 2024, 20:13   #9
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

Originally Posted by JoseTheScorpion View Post
On a closer look, I see that the torque numbers on the Tiago XE and the Tigor XE are very different:
Tiago XE is only 110 NM torque
Tigor XE has 170 NM torque

Does 60NM of extra electric torque only have a difference of 5 milliseconds? I really doubt this calculation. Anyway, I feel bad for anyone how opted for Tigor over Tiago, as the costing is surely not justified in my opinion.
MG ZS EV old model has a max torque around 350 Nm and facelift has a maximum torque of 280 Nm. Both cars reach 100 in 8.5 seconds .So one cannot conclude anything after seeing the maximum torque figures. Since these EVs have a single gear, gear ratio also matters.
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Old 26th September 2024, 11:14   #10
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

I think the ideal delta for comparison is the Tiago XT LR and the tigor XT in this case the difference is 3 lakhs. ( 9.99 vs 12.99). Tigor has an official discount of 75 k as per the website.

Even then, the price difference of 2 lakhs is a bit too much ( I own a tigor ev and Tiago ev) . The major advantage of tigor ev is much better space in the back ( Tiago is cramped in the back) and fuller rear seats with soft headrest and a center armrest. Also it gets a full size spare wheel over the Tiago.

The difference should be 75k - 1 lakh max in my opinion. Having said that I have seen quite a few tigors here in Trivandrum. Love their new burgundy red colour exclusive to the ev.
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Old 26th September 2024, 11:20   #11
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

Tigor.ev is unofficially discontinued I guess. You will not see the vehicle available anywhere. It is available only to fleet owners under Xpress T name. Few dealers might carry some stocks which is why the webpage is active I feel.
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Old 26th September 2024, 12:06   #12
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Re: Why does the Tigor.ev XE cost ~5-lakh rupees more than the Tiago.ev XE?

The truth is that Tata isn't interested in selling sedans anymore. Check out their massive lineup and the Tigor cuts a lonely figure for itself as the only sedan, with no massive pros above the Tiago (apart form the bigger boot). Same goes for the Tigor.ev. If it hasn't been for the XPress-T, it would have been discontinued long ago.

Althogh this does beg the question - why doesn't Tata pull the Tigor and Tigor.ev from the market and sell only the XPress-T?
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