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Old 30th January 2022, 09:14   #91
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Hormazd and Bhavish are no gentleman to have a genuine outlook on everything they do. OlaCabs customer care is non existent. Hormazd isn't a wholly unbiased journalist.

But unfortunately, both are public figures and it's not always necessary to listen to successful people. It is kalyug, many wrong people are successful.

Topic is actually broader than this kitty fight i.e. Different Media houses covering Electric vehicles as threat to ICEV industry indirectly. Politics at its best. One looks it up as opportunity another as threat. God bless consumers and give them the strength to choose what's best for them.
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Old 30th January 2022, 09:31   #92
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Oh. The CeO is asking the petrol head to apply burnol to treat himself.

The ointment is used to treat wounds from fire/heat. Metaphorically implying that the petrol head is having a ‘Fiery’ jealousy.
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Old 30th January 2022, 13:05   #93
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by voldemort View Post
I haven't got the reference yet.
It's a crass reference to a common colloquial insult which loosely translates to "put some ointment on your jealous @₹$€".
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Old 30th January 2022, 13:35   #94
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Sorry, maybe I am clueless - Did Bhavish Agarwal actually say this was a rendering of Ola Electric Car? I didnt see any comment from him or Is it a case of media getting ahead of itself and trying to create a story where there is none?
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Old 30th January 2022, 23:18   #95
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

While I certainly don't like the narcissistic trend of the top brass wanting all the halo and being audacious with nothing much to offer , In this specific case with Ola electric, the behaviour of ICE 2 wheeler majors is reminding of the Airtel's behaviour and arguments when WhatsApp was gaining acceptance.
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Old 31st January 2022, 15:30   #96
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

I have been reading this forum for some time now, and have been skimming through properties of Autocar India, Overdrive and Zigwheels. This entire tweet incident just made me realise that India's automotive journalists don't do much other than reviewing cars or announcing scoops of upcoming cars.

As has been rightly called out by a few others here, there is a substantial number of things that need to be looked into in the Indian automobile industry, but its "journalists" have not really don't any news-worthy journalism on that yet. Very recent examples that come to mind would be the DSG issues in Skoda, or even the probably misleading warranties of Force Gurkha.

Mr Bhavish's cockiness and arrogance notwithstanding, I hope now there is more public glare on the long-tenured auto "journalists" of India and the work they do.
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Old 21st March 2022, 18:38   #97
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Exodus at Ola Continues: EV division’s head sales and four others quit in less than a year .
the latest in the line is Pankaj Sharma who resigned as Head- Sales and Distribution, India, in Ola Electric Mobility.
The group has been facing the cracks at the top deck with at least three co-founders Ankit Jain, Ankit Bhati, and Anand Shah left the company in the past.

since its launch, Ola Electric did not have a smooth ride as the booking website faced glitches. The customers’ complaints about delays and glitches in the scooters have been pouring in on social media.

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Old 26th March 2022, 19:55   #98
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by jkrishnakj View Post
Oh. The CeO is asking the petrol head to apply burnol to treat himself.

The ointment is used to treat wounds from fire/heat. Metaphorically implying that the petrol head is having a ‘Fiery’ jealousy.
Comes back to 'burn' him.

"Thank God no one injured and # burnol not needed" says Hormazd Sorabjee as Ola scooter bursts into flames.

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Old 27th March 2022, 15:18   #99
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

I didn’t expect Hormazd’s time to come this soon. And he didn’t let go this chance too.
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Old 27th March 2022, 16:09   #100
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by jkrishnakj View Post
I didn’t expect Hormazd’s time to come this soon. And he didn’t let go this chance too.
This is just one of the issues. And there was another one where the scooter was running at full speed in reverse without any possibility to shut it down. This is more serious than that of Toyotas unintended acceleration trouble. Just because this is India, such substandard products can reach the customer. In any other developed country, by now they would have put a hold on the sale of this scooter and Ola would have been staring at a huge fine.

People should not touch such products even with a bargepole.
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Old 27th March 2022, 18:24   #101
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

A couple of days back my BIL's S1 Pro showed 35% charge, so he took it out on a short errand (~8 km round trip). But 2 km away from his home the scooter stopped and showed 0% charge. He had to push the scooter home.
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Old 27th March 2022, 20:27   #102
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
This is just one of the issues. And there was another one where the scooter was running at full speed in reverse without any possibility to shut it down. This is more serious than that of Toyotas unintended acceleration trouble. Just because this is India, such substandard products can reach the customer. In any other developed country, by now they would have put a hold on the sale of this scooter and Ola would have been staring at a huge fine.

People should not touch such products even with a bargepole.

I am just amazed how some people will paint the whole country as a land where only sub-standard products are sold compared to developed countries.

When Teslas were catching fire left right and centre, their sales weren't banned in the US, the world's beloved developed country.
Did you come out and say that such "sub-standard" products can only be sold in the US?

Till date customers are reporting issues where seatbelt hasn't been attached properly to the car, the airbag sensor in the passenger seat is faulty but they won't replace it because they prioritise parts for new cars over the ones sold, new Model X Plaid being delivered with mix and match tires, roof flying off in a new Model Y delivered and till date can't fix the heating issues in their cars.
But nah, won't ever say that low quality products are sold in the US because it's America.

When Chevy Bolt cars were catching fires even after the recalled battery was replaced, its sales weren't banned in the US. Why didn't the developed country put a ban on its sales?

Japanese Airbag manufacturer Takata was selling faulty airbag systems and causing deaths all over the world, so does that mean a developed country like Japan promotes selling sub-standard products?

When US giant Boeing's 737 Max crashed the first time, the company said "An American pilot would never have gotten into such a situation" and a former Chair said Lion Air "should have done a better job training their pilots". The world knows now what a sub-standard aircraft it was. So does that confirm a developed country like the US promotes production of sub-standard products to be sold globally?

These are products, failures are bound to happen. The issue was reported on March 26, and you already jumped to the conclusion that India is a land of sub standard products? Maybe we should wait for the investigation to complete and report to come out? It's a common practice in developed countries.

I don't understand what pleasure some people get in defaming their own country. If Apple iPhone 6 keeps bending and Macbooks have GPU issues, battery fire issues and butterfly keyboard issues, then those are one off problems even though it plagued thousands of consumers. But an Indian brand scooter had one fire reported, then "only in India" they can sell such sub standard products.

In the US a customer has filed a lawsuit against Mercedes because he lost his thumb to Mercedes soft close door technology. How can Mercedes sell such sub standard products? Only in Germany can they allow selling such substandard products globally I guess.

Seriously, those who just jump on the opportunity of showcasing their own country in bad light don't realise that they make life difficult for other citizens as well. One tarnishing the reputation of the country like this on a forum just discredits the nation and our talent. There is no fun in being mocked by individuals of other nations because of some of our own people.
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Old 27th March 2022, 20:54   #103
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by officer416 View Post
I am just amazed how some people will paint the whole country as a land where only sub-standard products are sold compared to developed countries.

When Teslas were catching fire left right and centre, their sales weren't banned in the US, the world's beloved developed country.
Did you come out and say that such "sub-standard" products can only be sold in the US?

When Chevy Bolt cars were catching fires even after the recalled battery was replaced, its sales weren't banned in the US. Why didn't the developed country put a ban on its sales?

Japanese Airbag manufacturer Takata was selling faulty airbag systems and causing deaths all over the world, so does that mean a developed country like Japan promotes selling sub-standard products?

When US giant Boeing's 737 Max crashed the first time, the company said "An American pilot would never have gotten into such a situation" and a former Chair said Lion Air "should have done a better job training their pilots".

These are products, failures are bound to happen. The issue was reported on March 26, and you already jumped to the conclusion that India is a land of sub standard products?

In the US a customer has filed a lawsuit against Mercedes because he lost his thumb to Mercedes soft close door technology. How can Mercedes sell such sub standard products?

Seriously, those who just jump on the opportunity of showcasing their own country in bad light don't realise that they make life difficult for other citizens as well.
Thanks for taking so much time and quoting those many examples. Each of those issues you mentioned were only initially downplayed. But later, they became huge issues and was being dealt with either at a legal level or worse. For example the Boeing issue was initially not acknowledged, but there was an investigation going on and the moment they got some evidence, the Trump himself announced the grounding of those aircraft. Before that, other countries had already taken some action too. Even the smaller issues can be dealt with a proper consumer case and customers walk away with a victorious outcome. Every case you mention have such a story to tell. Didnt VW get ruined in the USA because of the emission scandal? Regarding Tesla issues, I am not a big supporter of Tesla or a fan to defend them. I have enough experience with their cars to have a somewhat(not too extreme) opinion as I have for Ola.

On the other hand, we have been having DSG failures in our country, yet neither the manufacturer seems to care, nor is there a method where the homologation authorities intervene and take action. Did we get the ten year warranty other countries like China got on the same product?

The Takata airbag issue had a worldwide recall, including India. Was it because of the Indian government? No, it was because of the responsibility of the manufacturers involved.

The fire incident is one thing, but thats not all. Its ok for a product to have issues, but what sort of issues matters. I am sure no one will be optimistic about their scooter going to max speed in reverse gear. Optimism comes after safety in my opinion. Give me the initial lot with some fit and finish issues, I would not call it out too much. But give me a scooter that would misbehave without me in control, then I would throw it in the trash.

Regarding blaming the country, sorry its nowhere painting the country if it hurts your patriotism. I work in the same industry and write software that sits in a car and also caters to different country's rules. If I were to write such a software which would unintentionally accelerate a car to max speed and sell this car in a European country, then me, my manager and a couple of others could be dragged to court. Can you bring that Ola engineer who implemented this to the consumer court in India? Do you know what sort of homologation standards are present in our country for electric vehicles and the safety of their battery? And do you know the same for a developed country? We have immense talent in our country. But the issue is not within the talent pool but with the ambitions of a few people. If the boss of a company can mock journos with some meme, you cant expect much in terms of quality control, functional safety and such. Think of that.

Hence, if I say that selling a sub-standard product is easier in India compared to a western country, I know what I am talking about. Banning sales is just one of the measures that can be taken, but thats the simplest. So thats an example and need not be the only measure.

Last edited by audioholic : 27th March 2022 at 21:06.
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Old 28th March 2022, 00:01   #104
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post

Regarding blaming the country, sorry its nowhere painting the country if it hurts your patriotism. I work in the same industry and write software that sits in a car and also caters to different country's rules. If I were to write such a software which would unintentionally accelerate a car to max speed and sell this car in a European country, then me, my manager and a couple of others could be dragged to court. Can you bring that Ola engineer who implemented this to the consumer court in India? Do you know what sort of homologation standards are present in our country for electric vehicles and the safety of their battery? And do you know the same for a developed country? We have immense talent in our country. But the issue is not within the talent pool but with the ambitions of a few people. If the boss of a company can mock journos with some meme, you cant expect much in terms of quality control, functional safety and such. Think of that.

Hence, if I say that selling a sub-standard product is easier in India compared to a western country, I know what I am talking about. Banning sales is just one of the measures that can be taken, but thats the simplest. So thats an example and need not be the only me
I work with all major auto manufacturers globally and know the industry inside out. I know the reality of how "principled" these manufacturers are in the west when it comes to being transparent about product issues.

The double standards in your response is completely apparent. So if Takata produces airbags which were faulty including the ones being installed locally in Japan is a manufacturer issue, but Ola catching fire somehow becomes a government issue to allow its sales in India?
Tesla allowing enthusiasts to test BETA software on public roads while putting the lives of other road users in danger is a manufacturer issue, then later fire one of its engineers who runs a Youtube channel to showcase its danger on public roads, is ok. But the government allows that to happen is what? I mean it's a developed country so it's normal?

Secondly, out of thousands of scooters sold by Ola, are all of them running backwards at full speed? In fact, that same customer you are quoting to prove your point is praising OLA for its service. I don’t think customer service of a substandard product will be worth praising?

Well if the countries in the west have such high standards, then how come they allow a faulty electronic gear shifter into the car that led to the death of actor Anton Yelchin by being crushed with his own Jeep Cherokee? It was well reported that 100s of people have been injured with the problem. I didn't see the programmer or the designer of the shifter dragged to court.

As I have mentioned in my previous post on this thread, these journos credibility is up in the air. They stayed mum on the DSG failure issue in India, because they are scared to get thrown off press vehicle access program. Did Mr Hom came out to call out Skoda when customers were complaining?
In fact many customers chose private settlements. In many instances brands like Mercedes Benz have lost cases in court when people have fought.

Well you might not be aware, if your complaint has some bases you can even bring in the CEO of the company to the court. Ask Mr Adar Poonawala of Serum Institute who along with 7 others have been summoned to Lucknow High Court.

Yes I know the homologation system of India. I can give you the comparison of two, in US Tesla and Chevy cars caught fires thanks to their battery pack.
I haven't heard of any Nexon EV, Tigor EV, Tigor with Xpress T, even lacklustre Mahindra EV had a good record.
So you need to check again who is better with it's procedures.

You just assume that this and that can happen in the west, but you don't know the ground reality. One can assume anything but it's not always true.

I hope you must have thought highly of the programmers working at German car makers who were hard at work to develop defeat devices to beat emission norms. Really high standards. I wonder what an amazing chat they must be having on slack.

Lastly maybe try following Elon Musk on Twitter, you will see why he is called MEME lord. I mean the guy who changes his name to Elona Musk while his cars are delivered with mismatched tires and insufficient brakes should have his focus somewhere else. That is by your standard of judgement.
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Old 28th March 2022, 00:30   #105
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Re: OLA CEO Bhavish Aggarwal's reply to petrolheads

Originally Posted by volkman10 View Post
Comes back to 'burn' him.
We all know this will happen one day, when your only job is to review others work. It's an unnecessary controversy, where you cannot win.

Anyways, hope OLA investigates the issue, fixes it's software for the reversing issue.
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