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Old 31st March 2020, 13:29   #1
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Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

As we all know, electric cars are almost silent in operation. However, some of them offer stonking performance.

Tesla cars, which are considered the benchmarks in electric car technology, can outperform most internal combustion engine cars that they go up against. Even race cars have been made to bite the dust by these electric monsters.

Here is a video of a Tesla Model S destroying a high performance road-going sedan as well as a racecar:


However, many of us (especially enthusiasts) feel that electric cars are too quiet. They could do with some sound. Besides, the laws abroad make it compulsory for all EVs to make at least some noise to allow pedestrians a moment of notice.

For a high performance electric car like something from Tesla, an enthusiast would obviously like an exhaust sound that matches the car's performance. Milltek - a UK-based aftermarket performance exhaust manufacturer is now also making sound generators for electric cars. It aims to make electric vehicles and hybrids sound like supercars.

Milltek makes two types of sound generator kits - a single sound generator kit and a dual sound generator kit. The active sound generator is wired directly in to the can-bus and controlled by road speed and throttle position.

These kits have 8 selectable sound files, volume, pitch and tone adjustment with user configurable profiles all controlled via Milltek’s own iPhone or Android smartphone app. The sound can be turned on or off as well. This can be done without by just toggling something on and off on the standard Tesla screen.

Here are some videos of a Tesla Model 3 fitted with a Milltek sound generator kit:



The quoted price of the kit is GBP 1,200 (~ Rs. 1.11 lakhs).

To visit the Milltek website, click here.


Last edited by Aditya : 31st March 2020 at 13:58.
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Old 31st March 2020, 14:09   #2
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

There were apps which could do the same using an OBDII port on a normal IC engined car - so it was only a matter of time before the EVs went the same route as well.

Here's one app that I found fascinating a long time back -

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Old 1st April 2020, 13:54   #3
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

A relationship that was bound to happen between EVs & the after-market. But there will be one challenge = the lack of gearing! As an enthusiast, I enjoy the sound of redlining in 1st, then starting all over again in 2nd. Whatever these guys try, they won't be able to replicate that aural harmony between the machine & its exhaust.
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Old 1st April 2020, 17:02   #4
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
A relationship that was bound to happen between EVs & the after-market. But there will be one challenge = the lack of gearing! As an enthusiast, I enjoy the sound of redlining in 1st, then starting all over again in 2nd. Whatever these guys try, they won't be able to replicate that aural harmony between the machine & its exhaust.
But isn't it possible to make it sound and feel like a dual clutch sports/performance car?

A momentary pause in power and the exhaust crackle sound at the usual shift points. It will be inefficient but would definitely be more pleasing to people accustomed to the engine's music. It might be impossible to replicate the exact experience but I believe it can get real close. I shouldn't be comparing these, but aren't today's EPSs quite close to HPSs?

Maybe Tesla can give it as an optional update for the enthusiasts in the future.

Last edited by --gKrish-- : 1st April 2020 at 17:04.
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Old 2nd April 2020, 14:56   #5
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

Originally Posted by --gKrish-- View Post
But isn't it possible to make it sound and feel like a dual clutch sports/performance car?

A momentary pause in power and the exhaust crackle sound at the usual shift points. It will be inefficient but would definitely be more pleasing to people accustomed to the engine's music. It might be impossible to replicate the exact experience but I believe it can get real close. I shouldn't be comparing these, but aren't today's EPSs quite close to HPSs?

Maybe Tesla can give it as an optional update for the enthusiasts in the future.
It's also possible to make it sound like an Alco Loco.
In the world of fake sounds, everything is possible.

Want an "F-16" exhaust note?
Go ahead, and just download the F-16 sound pack on your "sound-generator", and you should be good to go.

On a serious note, interesting to see Milltek leaving behind exhausts, and entering loud-speaker business.
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Old 2nd April 2020, 15:32   #6
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Old 10th May 2020, 11:20   #7
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

In my opinion this is just sad.
EV whine is a thing(sounds like suprecharger whine). I would love for manufacturers to make it sound better than slapping on a loudspeaker.
Why make it sound like a Lambo when it obviously isnt one.
I despise BMW(one of my favorite brands) for pumping engine noise through speakers. Why make the car so quite in the first place and then pump fake sounds?
It may be a thing in future though. Even the Revolt e bike has a fake sound making speaker.
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Old 10th May 2020, 16:28   #8
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

This is like adding a poop machine to the back of your Ford Model T because you miss the horse carriage days.
I do get the fake speaker outside to alert pedestrians but this I don't get.
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Old 10th May 2020, 19:15   #9
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

Originally Posted by Doge View Post
This is like adding a poop machine to the back of your Ford Model T because you miss the horse carriage days.
Haha perfect analogy!

Electric cars are different and that should be embraced.

It is like me sticking a card near the fender of my bicycle such that when the wheel turns, the card striking the spokes creates a sound which to my mind was as if an engine was running in my bicycle.

It was fun back then owing to my age and curiosity, but when the novelty wears off, it just seems plain stupid.
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Old 10th May 2020, 23:54   #10
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

Its all cool but some how I don't understand how the sound connects with the soul of the machine. The roaring sound is because of the pistons in those cylinders moving up and down at high speed due to some controlled explosions, not because of some magnets rotating copper wire coils. I would love to hear the sound of an electric motor in an electric car, just as I like the sound of jet engine in an airplane.

On a ligher note, the Tesla almost sounds like its faking orgasm
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Old 11th May 2020, 06:22   #11
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

I expect this trend to not catch on. Those interested would be enthusiasts, who would likely have another car with an engine to get their aural pleasure from. As electric cars become common, you'll see another generation who grew up with electric cars and don't miss the engine growls.

Just the way our generation grew up with some nostalgic ads, but my son while watching Mahabharat's telecast asked me to pause it so he could go to the washroom
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Old 12th May 2020, 01:29   #12
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

Originally Posted by abhishek46 View Post
It's also possible to make it sound like an Alco Loco.
In the world of fake sounds, everything is possible.

Want an "F-16" exhaust note?
Go ahead, and just download the F-16 sound pack on your "sound-generator", and you should be good to go.

True, but I guess gKrish was going for sound and power-delivery tuning - where the EV acts like an ICE-DCT - momentary let-up in power/accel, then climbing back-up; synced with sound to (sort of) replicate an well tuned DCT keeping an ICE engine in its power-band.

But the F-16 sound. What an idea, sirji! That while blasting "Highway to the Danger Zone" from the speakers

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Old 12th May 2020, 02:16   #13
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Re: Performance exhaust sounds for Teslas

Originally Posted by evil_grin View Post
I expect this trend to not catch on. Those interested would be enthusiasts, who would likely have another car with an engine to get their aural pleasure from. As electric cars become common, you'll see another generation who grew up with electric cars and don't miss the engine growls.

This is a silly trend I feel. It would be like reversing music you put on cars. You might enjoy your 'Dhoom Machale' exhaust sound but it will ultimately end up annoying everyone including the pedestrians whom this is intended for
Plus the law has to be more clear than saying - EVs need to make noise. There has to be consistency in how these cars sound if it has to work like an alert system. Something similar to what we see in sirens of emergency services. No matter what country you are in, the sound is normally unmistakeable for anything else.
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