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Old 18th July 2013, 18:08   #61
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Hi iFly, Thanks for posting the video. Hats off to Capt Sullenberger and the control tower crew who kept cool until the end. I can understand you guys are trained for it albeit in simulated environment, but to face it in real life takes a lot of courage and audacity especially when you are entrusted with lives of so many including yours.
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Old 18th July 2013, 18:13   #62
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Absolutely fantastic!! Glad you are here , i am a keen aviation buff and i simply love this thread.

Your jet gives a better mileage it appears than by recently acquired (T) Jet

I forget the number of times on has been on an aircraft now thanks to work but even now if i find the flight deck door open i cannot help but look at it , absolutely mesmerizing especially all lit up.

Originally Posted by ifly View Post

Considering all of these people were to be seated in a car, it translates to about 12 KMPL while crusing at speeds of approximately 800 to 900 kmph. Quite a fuel guzzler!
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Old 18th July 2013, 18:15   #63
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by sukhoi30 View Post
Can you comment if you have seen any such devices disturbing your flying procedures? And, why do we have to turn them off during takeoff and landing only?
And the worst part is more than half of the passengers just put it on silent mode.
Also I wanted to know why do the window shades need to be opened while landing and take offs?
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Old 18th July 2013, 19:35   #64
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by drmohitg View Post
And the worst part is more than half of the passengers just put it on silent mode.
Also I wanted to know why do the window shades need to be opened while landing and take offs?
For better visibility, light into the cabin, and you probably want to know what you have landed yourself into.
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Old 18th July 2013, 19:46   #65
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by fordday View Post
This may be a silly question. Since the two engines are on either side of the fuselage, how will the airplane behave with only one engine running? My rusty brain could only visualize it will go round and round in circles .
No it will not, there are three controls namely aileron, elevator and rudder to contol the movement of the plane. The power of the engine is essentially converted into drag and lift, thereby maintaining the speed and altitude. One engine means less power and nothing beyond, though if failure of one engine occours at the crusing altitude, the pilot has to reduce the altitude to maintain speed else the plane can stall.

Hope this clarifies.
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Old 18th July 2013, 19:49   #66
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Wooowoogohoooo! Can't imagine I missed coming across this thread all these days. Amazing to have a commercial pilot on the forum.

Was damn interested in becoming a pilot until mom kept forcing me to have eggs in the morning as a kid. She said that all pilots have become so only after having eggs regularly. Half boiled.
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Old 18th July 2013, 20:06   #67
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by sandeepmdas View Post
What's missing still is a submariner.

BTW ifly is not the first pilot; IIRC we have at least one chopper pilot and a real fighter pilot -who flew Mirage 2000s- among us.

@ifly, the major difference you notice when you see a cockpit photo of an Airbus and a Boeing is that the former has no control yoke - which Boeing says the way to fly an airplane. Indeed the Air France A330 crash in south Atlantic a couple of years back is partially attributed to the side stick design of the AB. Would you comment on this matter?
No, the Air France 2009 flight 447 (it was Airbus A330-203) Crash has something to do with the inconsistencies between the airspeed measurements—likely due to the aircraft's pitot tubesbeing obstructed by ice crystals.

The final report was to be released sometime mid 2012, I am not too sure but exact reasons should be availble somewhare.
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Old 19th July 2013, 04:48   #68
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by i74js View Post
No, the Air France 2009 flight 447 (it was Airbus A330-203) Crash has something to do with the inconsistencies between the airspeed measurements—likely due to the aircraft's pitot tubes being obstructed by ice crystals.

The final report was to be released sometime mid 2012, I am not too sure but exact reasons should be availble somewhare.
After the blackbox recovery, the final word was sadly pilot error. Here is the full transcript of the cockpit conversation.

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Old 19th July 2013, 09:06   #69
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by plimsollmark View Post
After the blackbox recovery, the final word was sadly pilot error.
And the pilot error was complimented by the sidestick, which provided no visual feedback.
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Old 19th July 2013, 10:53   #70
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Excellent one and very interesting thread. Awaiting for some more details & experiences from you.

Just a small question from my side. What are the outside temperatures at those altitudes (apprx. 30,000 ft)?
Every time I fly, I always wonder what it would be like to sit on the wings of plane and enjoy the outside scenery
Originally Posted by 21Archer84 View Post
Great thread ifly. I think with bhpians having covered a ship, we are left with only a Space shuttle to discuss @Team-BHP.
I'm expecting that soon
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Old 19th July 2013, 11:46   #71
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

An interesting thread indeed!

"Maverick: Tower, this is Ghost rider requesting a flyby" - I get goosebumps even now when I hear these lines at times.

I had a general question for this forum - In a normal flight I am assuming the maximum Gs that any passenger faces is during take off. What is that number of Gs and what could be the possible variation?

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Old 19th July 2013, 13:19   #72
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by madhav14 View Post
Just a small question from my side. What are the outside temperatures at those altitudes (apprx. 30,000 ft)?
Every time I fly, I always wonder what it would be like to sit on the wings of plane and enjoy the outside scenery
I guess it would have to be a very cold observation session indeed. Usually you will have temperatures of around 60/65 degrees negative at this altitude.
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Old 19th July 2013, 16:12   #73
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

Originally Posted by plimsollmark View Post
After the blackbox recovery, the final word was sadly pilot error. Here is the full transcript of the cockpit conversation.

Originally Posted by sandeepmdas View Post
And the pilot error was complimented by the sidestick, which provided no visual feedback.

The asynchronous side-stick will be a hinderance when

-> The pilot is not trained to use the feature properly
-> In Panic situations

Combine these two together and you have a perfect recepie for disaster!

I feel that the the side sticks should be synchronous. This will ensure that the pilot will know that the other pilot is doing!

To know that so many lives were lost just because of some stupid untrained pilot pulling the stick back , i feel really bad!

And what business did the commader have to move out of the cockpit to take a break when the plane is facing turbulance?! He should have stayed at the controls unless it was a loo break or something in which case he should have returned back to his seat immediately

EDIT: Any idea if this design is changed in now or is it still the same in all Airbus aircrafts?
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Old 19th July 2013, 16:34   #74
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Re: Airbus A320 Long-Term, 3 Million KMs Review

ifly, urock!!!

Thank you for this most interesting and informative thread! You have written up in a humorous way and also explained things in a 'non-technical' way.

Originally Posted by DicKy View Post
This is what i love about TeamBHP.
Cars, trucks, buses, even trains.. and now a jumbo jet...
Next a container ship????
Haha...My thoughts exactly, was surprised to note later in the thread that only subs and space shuttles seem to be left, all other modes having been covered!

Originally Posted by racerdabba View Post
Are you kidding me?
This is Awesome. This is my dessert man, after all the Maruti Rice and Hyundai Dal we have been eating here, this comes as a Large Sundae with extra Chocolate sauce.
. You are too funny.

Originally Posted by deadguy25 View Post
Mods - delete this post if needed. But i HAD to ask him this:

Mate - are you allowed to sport our Team-B stickers on any of your planes?
<-yes i am! But i had to ask you .

Spoken like a hard core T-BHPian. Cheers.

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
Was damn interested in becoming a pilot until mom kept forcing me to have eggs in the morning as a kid. She said that all pilots have become so only after having eggs regularly. Half boiled.
Hahaha, . You could write an article on "How half boiled eggs affected my career.." or something on those lines.

Originally Posted by madhav14 View Post
Every time I fly, I always wonder what it would be like to sit on the wings of plane and enjoy the outside scenery
I also have the same thoughts. Of course, it would be COLD, but no harm in imagining!
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Old 19th July 2013, 16:49   #75
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Originally Posted by drmohitg View Post

Also I wanted to know why do the window shades need to be opened while landing and take offs?
Window shades are open during take-off and landing for several reasons.First, the interior lighting should match outside as much as possible for take-off and landing, which is helped by opening the shades.
This means time isn't lost during an evacuation when people are either blinded by the outside light or need a few seconds to adjust to the dark. It can't be matched exactly but even a slight adjustment either way can help.

Second, in a crash, the emergency lights should go on. The "interior illumination" wont stay on in this case. Even if the emergency lights fail, the passengers would have any outside light to help them find an exit. It would also help their orientation. In any case, having as much outside light as possible, logically, is helpful.
Lastly, after the evacuation, any rescue personel from outside can see inside the cabin more easily, to see if anyone is trapped inside.
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