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Old 7th November 2006, 01:36   #4651
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Thnx Mugen_Power. One more question how can i know that my installer is providing me the right box for my sub with right dimensions. Installers in our city are not that good or may be i dont know any one good. Pics will be appreciated for those 2 boxes.
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Old 7th November 2006, 01:47   #4652
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Originally Posted by abhibh
One more question how can i know that my installer is providing me the right box for my sub with right dimensions.
I also had a same problem, B&T and LBM helped me for the dimensions.
If you are planning to install Sub and Amp, Ask your query with Sub Make and model number, amp make and model number, your listening taste.

I Think Experts like Navinji, Sam, LBM and B&t will help to make a perfect enclosure.

BTW you can calculate sub enclosure size by some softwares.Google It.

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Old 7th November 2006, 09:51   #4653
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Originally Posted by abhibh
Thnx Mugen_Power. One more question how can i know that my installer is providing me the right box for my sub with right dimensions. Installers in our city are not that good or may be i dont know any one good. Pics will be appreciated for those 2 boxes.
Many subs come with a manual details recommended box size and type.
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Old 7th November 2006, 17:04   #4654
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@abhibh you can have plenty of information abt subwoofer enclosures here..........

As navin said,build subw box acc. to T/S parameters which r given in manual of subw.if u dont get the manual when u buy any sub,try to download it from can provide manuals of many ICE stuff but not all so do look product's offcial website as well.
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Old 8th November 2006, 10:56   #4655
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and here....
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Old 8th November 2006, 18:33   #4656
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Thanks navin & rsjaurr. This was just my question out of curiousity. Next time when i go get a sub i will first consult the manual or the links and if i still can't find the info TEAMBHP is here
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Old 9th November 2006, 12:40   #4657
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Baleno ICE BASS Enhancements

Hi All,

I would like to Enhance the BASS in my year old Baleno.

I drive windows rolled up during the weekdays and am looking clear punchy sound during that time and drive leisurely windows rolled down during the weekends and would love a little bit of ground shaking thump during that time.

My music preference is:
1. Latest hindi movie songs,bhangre-pop etc (Kailash Kher,Bombay rockers but no Mr. Himesh Reshmaiyea)....50%
2. Classic Rock....30%
3. Ghazals...20%
I mostly play mp3 cds only.

My existing set up is
Sony CDX Mp 70 CD MP3 player
Alpine Type S 6*9 ovals at the rear
Alpine Type S 5 1/4 circular at the front

Am looking to go in for a Sub and Amp combo in a free air setup to save boot space ( I normally have a baby stroller in my boot).

After all the reading, My take on the setup is
1. Rockford fosgate or Audiobahn 2 channel amp with 400w rms @2ohms
2. Alpine Type R 12'' Sub with 500w rms @ 2ohms
3. Triway to power both the sub and the rear speakers.
(Comes to about 15k though my budget is about 10-12K)

If experts think the above would work for me, I will be willing to spend the extra 3 to 5K with the wiring.
Alternatively will the experts suggest something else that would perhaps work better and cost less!! Please do mention what wiring/cabling to use.

Thanks in Advance

Last edited by islandman : 9th November 2006 at 12:43.
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Old 9th November 2006, 13:44   #4658
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Hello islandman,

Itna kuch you told us, forgot to say what car lol

Anyways, I HATE using a 2 channel amp in tri mode.
1) It's not very good for the amplifier
2) You cannot use the built in electronic crossover (neither LPF for the sub, nor HPF for the speakers)

I would really want you to increase your budget and get a 4 channel amplifier, or a 2 channel plus monoblock.
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Old 9th November 2006, 13:59   #4659
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Samji, you dint read the title of the post. baleno hai.
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Old 9th November 2006, 14:46   #4660
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
Hello islandman,

Itna kuch you told us, forgot to say what car lol

Anyways, I HATE using a 2 channel amp in tri mode.
1) It's not very good for the amplifier
2) You cannot use the built in electronic crossover (neither LPF for the sub, nor HPF for the speakers)

I would really want you to increase your budget and get a 4 channel amplifier, or a 2 channel plus monoblock.
I hope you haven't been smoking something naughty right after lunch . My title as well as the first line says which car it is. Anyways, " The Car is a Baleno".

But Anyways, I appreciate your help and agree with your judjement on the the tri-way.

Please confirm my understanding, In point 2 above you mean, You cannot use the head units LPF and HPF filter adjustments because of the Tri way. Am i correct?

And now which 4 channel amp and Sub should i go for? Keep in mind my existing set up too.

Lastly, R you coming to Vahan Yatra this year in Bangalore cos I could contact V1p3r and perhaps come with him and buy the stuff from you and fit it under your supervision.

Last edited by islandman : 9th November 2006 at 14:50.
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Old 9th November 2006, 15:39   #4661
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Originally Posted by islandman
Please confirm my understanding, In point 2 above you mean, You cannot use the head units LPF and HPF filter adjustments because of the Tri way. Am i correct?

And now which 4 channel amp and Sub should i go for? Keep in mind my existing set up too.

Lastly, R you coming to Vahan Yatra this year in Bangalore cos I could contact V1p3r and perhaps come with him and buy the stuff from you and fit it under your supervision.
Oops my mad. I simply couldn't see it. hmm

No I meant you cannot use the LPF and HPF on your AMPLIFIER when it is in tri-mode.
There are many good choices in 4 channel amplfiers as it is a very popular thing to buy.
I may come to Vahan Yatra as a visitor, but my company is not coming as an exhibitor. Anyways we never sell stuff to consumers at Vahan yatra or any other exhibition. We just come to look cool and have fun. v1p3r will confirm that.

However if you ever want to buy JBL in Bangalore, (vahan or not) i can guide you to quite a few places.

And if you fit your ICE while I am in bangalore, I will come in and take a peek and perhaps smoke something naughty then.

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Old 9th November 2006, 17:11   #4662
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Any other Suggestions on what route I should take with regards to the Amp and Sub combo that I need?

I would also appreciate any suggestions on specific amps and subs (approx prices will be a great help too), so that i can look up the details of the same.

Last edited by islandman : 9th November 2006 at 17:12.
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Old 9th November 2006, 19:40   #4663
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Originally Posted by islandman
Any other Suggestions on what route I should take with regards to the Amp and Sub combo that I need?

I would also appreciate any suggestions on specific amps and subs (approx prices will be a great help too), so that i can look up the details of the same.
In tri-mode, you will have to cook up your own crossover from passive elements, or it's going to sound very nightmarish. I know of a lot of installs where everything is running full range. Not worth it.

For your budget, the best bet would be to get a good 12" sub (how can you afford the type R 12 and an amp at 15k?, beats me.), and buy a 2-ch or 4-ch amp based on the sub you buy. I'd prefer you stay away from a monoblock. That way you could use the current amp for something else in a future upgrade, rather than restricting it for the sub. Drive the speakers off the HU for now.
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Old 10th November 2006, 10:15   #4664
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Originally Posted by Bass&Trouble
For your budget, the best bet would be to get a good 12" sub (how can you afford the type R 12 and an amp at 15k?, beats me.), and buy a 2-ch or 4-ch amp based on the sub you buy.
TypeR 12'' and Audiobahn A8002V come upto 350$ on I can source things out of the US at that price but it is a little bit of a pain. At the risk of getting a little offtopic are the prices way above 350$ here?

Last edited by islandman : 10th November 2006 at 10:18.
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Old 10th November 2006, 10:30   #4665
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Originally Posted by islandman
TypeR 12'' and Audiobahn A8002V come upto 350$ on I can source things out of the US at that price but it is a little bit of a pain. At the risk of getting a little offtopic are the prices here way above 350$ here?
1. while using pricegrabber stick to merchants with a lot of votes and a 5 star rating. anything less than a 4 star rating and you are aking for it.

2. a good 12" sub and 200W mono amp would run you about 18K in India. 10K for the amp and 8K for the sub with box. given that if you buy the equipment from your installer the installtion is often free (my installer does not charge me install fees if I purchase the equipment from her) I dont see any reason to go through the trouble of carrying a 12" sub and amp.

3. Instead of the 200W amp you can get a 50x4 or 60x4 amp that can dump 150-200W in bridged mode (4 ohms) for about the same price as a mono amp. So that might be another option.

4. Very few amps can be wired for Tripath without a serious compromise in sound quality, cross talk etc.. Most car amps are not that well designed and those that are, are expensive which is why you dont see too much of tripath out there today. In the old days where we did not use chip amps or pastic mosfets and many amps were really dual mono etc.. tripath worked nicer.

You can ofcoruse make you own subwoofer amp

mono class D amp

SMPS power supply
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