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Old 13th August 2005, 11:40   #436
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
Tri-Bridge mode... I used to use an old Kenwood 644 in the old days like that. I had put a Bolton 12" woofer in my Maruti Van...An EL84 power amp for the i-pod.... I wish i had the time to do something like that....
Navin.... have fun on holiday man... honestly I hope you have a wonderful time.
Sam seems that you are almost as mad as me. Well I have managed to "rip" about 500 of my 600CDs (over the past 7 weeks) into MP3 (Lame 3.96.1 APX) and .WV (WavPack 4.2) and have now got over 40GB (about 6000 "songs") on my ipod (as well as 140GB of mathematically lossless versions). I used EAC with Wack to do this seamlessly - all it needed was for me to change CDs besides using a local freedb database server made the process independant of internet as well.

I tested the Bose Sounddock and Altec IM7 and found them both woefully poor. So I decided to do the following: Build a nice 15-20W power amp (EL84 PPP or KT88) and use the ipod Dock to connect to the power amp. Now I will be looking for some nice sensitive drivers (current favs are Jordan's JX92 and Fostex 108 Sigma) and build a pair of speakers for the ipod.

While this is happening I intend to figure out how to replace apple's player with Foopod.

Sam when you get as old as me life is a holiday.
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Old 13th August 2005, 11:43   #437
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Originally Posted by Sahil
...I wonder how they manage to get such good effects out of the speakers ... .
A speaker system is only as good as the box you put it in. MB makes really good boxes (you guys call them cars, Sam and me call them boxes for speakers). MB, VW, Opel boxes are far better built than the Japs and the Koreans and hence there is less resonance etc... this all makes for tighter, better defined bass.
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Old 13th August 2005, 13:01   #438
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Originally Posted by amitoj
I need to replace the front door speakers... Should i get a basic amp as well? how much will it all cost?....
I would get nice components for the front. they start at about 3K. the "basicest" amp you can get today is the Sony 504 which costs about 4.2K. so you can get by with about 7.5k. ofcourse if you want to spend more you can. Sam and his associates in the industry will bless you.

BTW this is my last post till the 22nd. In a few hours I will be leaving for holiday. No phones. No internet. No newpaper. No TV.

Last edited by navin : 13th August 2005 at 13:05.
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Old 13th August 2005, 20:37   #439
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
The C180 rectangular sub is endemic to MB. Not available seperately. However I'll look around, sorry wasnt much help.
what is the thiz of this sub. the closest thing to a rectagular woofer i ever used was KEF B139 and that was in the late 70s or was it the early 80s anyway it ws between 1979 and 1981. the B139 if my RAM serves me right was 8 x 12 or 9 x 12.

anyway one ca make a baffle and accomodate a more easily available sub (10" would be my bet).

Just noticed that they turned this thread into a sitcky! congrats Sam! U started it!

Last edited by navin : 13th August 2005 at 20:39.
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Old 13th August 2005, 21:58   #440
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[quote=GTOAlso, my C180 had a rectangular subwoofer at the rear but - surprisingly - the C220 does not.[/QUOTE]

I asked Bobby Dylan
I asked The Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary
But he couldn't help me either

I looked everywhere i could not find it. ask MB dude. Sorry.
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Old 15th August 2005, 13:53   #441
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
hey Ping!

Lets sort out whatever we can. Nippon is not kenwood. Nippon Audiotronix is the distributor of Kenwood in India and they also distribute their own brand, a cheaper brand called Nippon. Thats the only relation between Nippon and Kenwood.

Certain cars do come with a pre-wired socket. Let me assure you that the sockets for Kenwood & Blaupunkt are poles apart and the only way the petra will accomodate both is by having 2 independent sockets. In most probability, both Kenwood and Blaupunkt have harnesses that will fit directly into the petra. (In my expereience there will be no NEW wiring harness for the petra, it will be the same as the palio/new siena)

This brings me to the harness point. Many people fit systems into their car without a clip direct harness. What happens and why do you hear that the warranty expires. Mind you, I'm not advocating that you cut the wires, just explaining what the fuss is all about.

Most modern cars have a fairly complicated electronics section. Fairly complicated means that there may be failures. Remember, if an engine part fails, or the suspension breaks down, nobody is going to take the deck out and declare your warranty null and void.
However, lets assume that the control chip fails within warranty. No company will want to replace the control chip free of charge with a smile, since it costs 20,000 to 25,000/-. So THEN they will tell you that since you cut the original wires to fit the deck, your ELECTRICAL warranty is void. At that point, if you are able to take the deck out and show the original wiring harness unaltered, you're safe. Otherwise you will have to pay that amount.
Hi Sam, lot of things went over my head due to my ignorance in the topic. My question is can other models like Sony or other can be installed in prewired configuration or not?

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Old 15th August 2005, 16:20   #442
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Originally Posted by navin
In a few hours I will be leaving for holiday. No phones. No internet. No newpaper. No TV.
Lucky bum!

Enjoy your holiday.
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Old 15th August 2005, 20:18   #443
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Hi aseem

The amp cost me 15k...but its worth
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Old 15th August 2005, 21:30   #444
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Hey guys...a lil help here
See i'm looking to get my current music setup changed(upgraded). I want something wiht produces a fair amount of bass, lots of bass actually..

Now here's my current setup...Pioneer 944 amp, Pioneer 430W 4ch amp, Pioneer 2000W sub and enclosure, Kenwood compos in the rear, Blaupunkt compos in the front, Pioneer 5650 HU, The car is Skoda by the way.

Now guys, suggest what are the stuff that i should be changing, cuz i don't wanna throw away this setup completely and get a new one....
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Old 15th August 2005, 22:47   #445
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Karthik, you have components for the front and rear, an amp and a sub. And you still want more bass. This setup should be pretty good.
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Old 16th August 2005, 12:10   #446
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Originally Posted by karthik247
Hey guys...a lil help here
See i'm looking to get my current music setup changed(upgraded). I want something wiht produces a fair amount of bass, lots of bass actually..

Now here's my current setup...Pioneer 944 amp, Pioneer 430W 4ch amp, Pioneer 2000W sub and enclosure, Kenwood compos in the rear, Blaupunkt compos in the front, Pioneer 5650 HU, The car is Skoda by the way.

Now guys, suggest what are the stuff that i should be changing, cuz i don't wanna throw away this setup completely and get a new one....

Hey Karthik,

Why do you need a change? This is a fairly respectable setup. How old os the setup? WHat are your complaints? Do you just need more bass?
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Old 16th August 2005, 12:21   #447
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Originally Posted by pranil
Dear Sam,

Read in AUG OD issue that JBL( Sahil International) has tied up with Hyundai to offer JBL equipment as post purchase fitmment in all Hyundai show rooms.

The staff will be trained to provide Hyundai specific advise

Wonder when this will go through. I am geting my Getz delivered in Sept 15 through Sharayu Hyundai Navi Mumbai. Any idea where I can get actual demo in Navi Mumbai.
Hi Pranil,

This is true, we're now "Hyundai Genuine Accessories". I will be training all Hyundai staff for JBL soon. Actually we were supposed to do a training at Goa last week, as part of my all-india tour, but western region got cancelled because of the rain.
It will be a while before the western region Hyundais are ready with JBL at the showrooms. Till then, the aftermarket is still your best bet. There are a couple of JBL dealers in Navi Mumbai, would you like me send you the details?
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Old 16th August 2005, 12:25   #448
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Originally Posted by navin
Just noticed that they turned this thread into a sitcky! congrats Sam! U started it!
Hahaha WOW! Nice. Thank you moderators!!
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Old 16th August 2005, 12:28   #449
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Originally Posted by pingmepal
Hi Sam, lot of things went over my head due to my ignorance in the topic. My question is can other models like Sony or other can be installed in prewired configuration or not?

YES! ofcourse, but if you CUT any of your wires to install the sony deck, and someday if you have an expensive electrical fault, like the controller chip, you will not get warranty for it.
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Old 16th August 2005, 14:26   #450
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Is there any system with both cassette and CD option?


Just wondering is there any system which supports cassette player and single CD (should play mp3 /CD-R/CD-RW) on a single unit? Will it be sufficient to fit in normal slot provided by car manufacturer's? If yes, let me know the make and model numbers. will do further reserach.

thanks in advance
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