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Old 14th September 2005, 11:11   #1531
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Originally Posted by zzzehar
Good Morning Sam, Strangely No one was online last nite. I am abt to finish off with my day. take care and keep posting. I am soo eager everyday to check new posts &

Wow! I'm all like, warm inside. And a little speechless. Thats a lot for me lol

Thanks zzehar, you too.
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Old 14th September 2005, 11:14   #1532
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Originally Posted by navin
hey i just noticed that the mods figured i am a senior citizen and desingated me a senior BHPian! ha ha ha.

Do you think this has anything to do with me calling you "old man"? Hmmm?

By the powers invested in me by the church of sound, i hereby christen thee "Sir Nahee! - Earl of Audioland"
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Old 14th September 2005, 11:16   #1533
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
"Sir Nahee! - Earl of Audioland"

or is it "Ear(l) of audioland "
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Old 14th September 2005, 11:19   #1534
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Originally Posted by swapnilb75
Front - JL Audio XR 650 Component - 6.5"
Rear - Kicker KS 60 (Coaxial) 6.5"
Just a quick addition to the advice you have got so far...

In my opinion, you should try and voice match the front soundstage and the rear soundstage as close as possible. I find that using the same brand and possibly the same series of speakers in the front and rears gives you that result.

Though Kicker is a great brand, I am personally of the opinion that JLaudio is god-like.
If it were me, I would use the same source that was getting me the JL compos and get myself a JLaudio coaxial speaker too.
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Old 14th September 2005, 11:37   #1535
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OK so here are the pics from IFA 2005, Berlin for the day.
The guy in the picture, is the famous Firoz Patni from our company. (The main MAN in maharashtra)
The car is from Phase, a french company. I totally love the install (perhaps it's the orange colour, who knows). Of course it is a show car, so a little loud(in looks, i mean), but this picture is here so YOU guys can appreciate the work they have done. I havent heard it so dont ask me how it sounds. I asked Firoz and he said "superb" for every car at the show lol


Last edited by Sam Kapasi : 14th September 2005 at 11:40.
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Old 14th September 2005, 12:08   #1536
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Hey thanks Sam, Buffetfan & Navin

I plan to replace the kickers sometime early next year when budget allows it with the JL 650 CXI coaxials.

Actually my HU Alpine 9830 (No B/W) fitted in the Swift is in the Garage for about a month now with stiffling moisture in the car (post 26/7 flooding till the seats) - any chances of damage ???

Can i do anything after i get the car back to prevent any further damage - i have not started the HU after flooding.

Thanks again
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Old 14th September 2005, 12:11   #1537
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cool stuff Sam. 3 amps. 2 to drive the woofers. 1 for the poor 2 way. no rear seat (wonder where the kids will sit).

Q: there is a beige box on the floor. It might be copper. What is it?
Q2: the strut connecting the 2 woofer closer to the seats has a white box on it. Is that an EQ or an XO?

Are these pics taken by the organizers? I dont see any reason why both pics are tagged with the same code in the bottom right hand corner (3 1147).
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Old 14th September 2005, 12:12   #1538
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Originally Posted by swapnilb75
Hey thanks Sam, Buffetfan & Navin

I plan to replace the kickers sometime early next year when budget allows it with the JL 650 CXI coaxials.

Actually my HU Alpine 9830 (No B/W) fitted in the Swift is in the Garage for about a month now with stiffling moisture in the car (post 26/7 flooding till the seats) - any chances of damage ???

Can i do anything after i get the car back to prevent any further damage - i have not started the HU after flooding.

Thanks again
Wow, so your 9830 is still in the wet car? And unused? Thats not very clever.
If I was you i'd get the HU out, take the top off (oooh) and let it dry in the sun for a hour.
If you see any corrosion (look for the rust on the cd mechanism) then i suggest you take it to a trusted service centre and get it cleaned with some wd 40.
You may also need to re-grease the transport gears with silicon grease. Alpines are well-built (hence i suggested you take the top off) and will generally withstand some small abuse.
If I could, I'd marry Alpine.
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Old 14th September 2005, 12:18   #1539
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Originally Posted by navin
cool stuff Sam. 3 amps. 2 to drive the woofers. 1 for the poor 2 way. no rear seat (wonder where the kids will sit).

Q: there is a beige box on the floor. It might be copper. What is it?
Q2: the strut connecting the 2 woofer closer to the seats has a white box on it. Is that an EQ or an XO?

Are these pics taken by the organizers? I dont see any reason why both pics are tagged with the same code in the bottom right hand corner (3 1147).
Those 3 "amps" are 3 screens in the rear, playing back a multimedia advertising clip for Phase.
The copper box is an amplifier.
The white box appears to be either a crossover or a design element.

The picture was taken with firozs camera on the 3rd of september at 1147am. The other pics have a different time on them, obviously these two were taken within the same minute.
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Old 14th September 2005, 14:51   #1540
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Originally Posted by aseem
I downloaded 8 Gig in one month. The limit was one gig. So they charged Rs.9 mer mb, for every subsequent download ......... :(
normally, almost all broadband ISPs charge Re.1/- per extra mb downloaded over the assigned download limit... 9 sounds very unreasonable...
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Old 14th September 2005, 15:10   #1541
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
Those 3 "amps" are 3 screens in the rear, playing back a multimedia advertising clip for Phase.
The copper box is an amplifier.
The white box appears to be either a crossover or a design element.
my eyes aren't waht they used to be :-)

the copper box looked like an amp but i figured with 4 subs you;d need more than 1 amp no matther how huge unless ofcourse you got 6 x 150W rms coming from the amp (4 channels for the subs and 2 for the components).

funny but the car is made out like it would be used as a portable rock show.
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Old 14th September 2005, 15:12   #1542
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
Wow, so your 9830 is still in the wet car? And unused? Thats not very clever.
If I was you i'd get the HU out, take the top off (oooh) and let it dry in the sun for a hour.
If you see any corrosion (look for the rust on the cd mechanism) then i suggest you take it to a trusted service centre and get it cleaned with some wd 40.
You may also need to re-grease the transport gears with silicon grease. Alpines are well-built (hence i suggested you take the top off) and will generally withstand some small abuse.
If I could, I'd marry Alpine.
Sam, my intuition tells me that the president of the company manufacturing Alpines must have a daughter.... I guess you can take it from here.... The closest marriage to an Alpine....
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Old 14th September 2005, 15:14   #1543
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I've never gone out with a Japanese girl....

Suggestion duly noted with thanks. (mind racing now)
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Old 14th September 2005, 15:25   #1544
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And here is a pretty evil looking hummer from a company called axiom

Last edited by Sam Kapasi : 14th September 2005 at 15:28.
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Old 14th September 2005, 15:33   #1545
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
Wow, so your 9830 is still in the wet car? And unused? Thats not very clever.
If I was you i'd get the HU out, take the top off (oooh) and let it dry in the sun for a hour.
If you see any corrosion (look for the rust on the cd mechanism) then i suggest you take it to a trusted service centre and get it cleaned with some wd 40.
You may also need to re-grease the transport gears with silicon grease. Alpines are well-built (hence i suggested you take the top off) and will generally withstand some small abuse.
If I could, I'd marry Alpine.
well said Sam. my 9833 also got stuck in a wet car for about 4 days thanks to the blackout that came with the rains.

I let it dry out for 2 days before turning it on. worked fine 1st shot.
Even my alpine amps worked.

And guys, Sam is right, Alpines are very well built. So well built that taking the top off them makes them look better. *EWG*
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