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Old 28th March 2022, 18:00   #3901
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

I have installed the 70mai Pro Plus+ A500S Dual Channel Car Dash Cam in my car yesterday. In the iPhone app of 70mai, I can view the front camera but cannot view the back camera. Is that how it works and back camera display on phone won't work?

Also, if I want to view the previously recorded videos from the MicroSD Card, is it imperative for me to remove the card and put in my laptop or something to view the videos or there is a way to view from the phone's app itself?
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Old 28th March 2022, 19:02   #3902
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Need advice please.

@Mods: Please move to relevant thread if unrelated.

I m looking to buy a action camera that can be mounted on helmet chin. I don't have any idea on these cameras and/or accessories needed to buy for my scenario. I have not intention of Vlogging on youtube or other social media channels.

Two main reasons that I want to buy
1. Watch the recording on my TV/Laptop and make a collection of my bike rides
2. Send it over to my buddies so as to motivate them to join my bike rides.

Max budget is 10k. I have shortlisted this camera. Any other recommendations also welcome.
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Old 28th March 2022, 20:53   #3903
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by raksrules View Post
I can view the front camera but cannot view the back camera. Is that how it works and back camera display on phone won't work?
Yes, that’s a limitation. You cannot see the live rear camera feed from the mobile app. It’s a chip level limitation as explained in the below link.

a way to view from the phone's app itself?
You can view the videos from the app, there’s an “album” button. But it’s really slow. (The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread)

Last edited by robincsamuel : 28th March 2022 at 21:08. Reason: Added reference link
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Old 31st March 2022, 03:41   #3904
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

My only issue with the install so far on the a500s has been enabling parking surveillance. I supplied the hardwire kit with fuse taps to make sure parking surveillance was an option, and despite the option being enabled in the dashcam settings and the wiring done (assumingly properly, VCC to battery direct, ACC to the ignition fuse), the dashcam isn't recording anything when parked, maybe due to the auto-cut off to power in the cabin if you leave something on(?)

Anyone have any bright ideas for this problem? Is this a feature saving my battery and i should give up? Any advice appreciated.

The good news is, the rest is running as expected, clean, clear and simple. Dashcam uses a slow interface for downloading footage (took me 5 minutes+ of sitting in the parking lot with the engine running to get one video from just the front feed at 1944/1920p). Using Samsung's EVO Plus 128GB microSDXC UHS-I U3 130MB/s (for searching convenience).
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Old 31st March 2022, 04:13   #3905
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Sen View Post
. Dashcam uses a slow interface for downloading footage (took me 5 minutes+ of sitting in the parking lot with the engine running to get one video from just the front feed at 1944/1920p). Using Samsung's EVO Plus 128GB microSDXC UHS-I U3 130MB/s (for searching convenience).
I use a power bank to avoid idling. The speed I get is about couple of minutes for a 2 minute video shot in lowest setting which is about 200ish MB file size. If I need many then I plug the card in laptop (don't have patience using the app )

This is the card I have :
'Samsung EVO Plus 128GB microSDXC UHS-I U3 100MB/s Full HD & 4K UHD Memory Card with Adapter (MB-MC128HA)'

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Old 31st March 2022, 07:55   #3906
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

It wont record till there is some movement. Tap the bonnet slightly and check
Originally Posted by Sen View Post
and despite the option being enabled in the dashcam settings and the wiring done (assumingly properly, VCC to battery direct, ACC to the ignition fuse), the dashcam isn't recording anything when parked, maybe due to the auto-cut off to power in the cabin if you leave something on(?)
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Old 31st March 2022, 10:43   #3907
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Sen View Post
Anyone have any bright ideas for this problem? Is this a feature saving my battery and i should give up? Any advice appreciated.

The good news is, the rest is running as expected, clean, clear and simple. Dashcam uses a slow interface for downloading footage (took me 5 minutes+ of sitting in the parking lot with the engine running to get one video from just the front feed at 1944/1920p). Using Samsung's EVO Plus 128GB microSDXC UHS-I U3 130MB/s (for searching convenience).
As far as I know, parking mode recording happens only on impact by g-sensor (normal recording on both front and back). Then, in latest firmware, they introduced time lapse (you have to enable it from mobile app). So now in time lapse, it records always (even without impact) but only front camera. So check your dashcam's firmware is updated.

I have not used DDPAi, but some of my friends use them, from their discussion I think DDPAi is better in parking surveillance part. Otherwise both brands are similar in video quality.

Copying file over wifi is a pain and better use it when there is no other options or you need specific 1 or 2 files. I keep an unused 64gb spare microsd card in car. Whenever I want to copy files (rarely, once in a quarter or after a trip), swap it and take the primary one to copy to computer (may be possible to take the cam itself, but unplugging-plugging is a pain). Swap it because, once forgot to bring back and put the primary one in the cam and drove without recording for couple of days until I noticed. Luckily it was not needed.
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Old 31st March 2022, 13:36   #3908
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
It wont record till there is some movement. Tap the bonnet slightly and check
Thank you! I'll test it out and report back.

Originally Posted by dipdawiz View Post
As far as I know, parking mode recording happens only on impact by g-sensor (normal recording on both front and back). Then, in latest firmware, they introduced time lapse (you have to enable it from mobile app). So now in time lapse, it records always (even without impact) but only front camera. So check your dashcam's firmware is updated.
I recently pushed the latest 1.0.17ww release, so I'm on the latest firmware, and I do recall seeing the timelapse footage option. Got it, thanks for the explanation!

Originally Posted by dipdawiz View Post
I have not used DDPAi, but some of my friends use them, from their discussion I think DDPAi is better in parking surveillance part. Otherwise both brands are similar in video quality.
At this stage, I'm firmly in the "no dashcam" to "dashcam" upgraders club, so pretty happy either way.

Originally Posted by dipdawiz View Post
Copying file over wifi is a pain and better use it when there is no other options or you need specific 1 or 2 files. I keep an unused 64gb spare microsd card in car. Whenever I want to copy files (rarely, once in a quarter or after a trip), swap it and take the primary one to copy to computer (may be possible to take the cam itself, but unplugging-plugging is a pain). Swap it because, once forgot to bring back and put the primary one in the cam and drove without recording for couple of days until I noticed. Luckily it was not needed.
This is an excellent idea which I'll probably be using to get stuff like trip timelapses or the likes. Thanks for the suggestion!

Originally Posted by Aviator_guy View Post
I use a power bank to avoid idling. The speed I get is about couple of minutes for a 2 minute video shot in lowest setting which is about 200ish MB file size. If I need many then I plug the card in laptop (don't have patience using the app )

This is the card I have :
'Samsung EVO Plus 128GB microSDXC UHS-I U3 100MB/s Full HD & 4K UHD Memory Card with Adapter (MB-MC128HA)'
Thanks for the suggestion, similar to dipdawiz's suggestion above, might take that up as a solution!

Last edited by Sen : 31st March 2022 at 13:37.
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Old 31st March 2022, 17:46   #3909
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

I have just ordered A500s and now contemplating on additional accessories that I might need. I have few questions on that-

CPL filter - How is the performance during night travel with CPL filter on the camera? Does CPL impact video quality in low light?

Another noob question - I see lot of feedback on slow wifi copy speeds. I am thinking of getting a simple OTG card reader to back up videos to my mobile before they are overwritten during a long trip but I don't see much feedback on this approach. Is there any issue using OTG route for dashcam footage?
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Old 31st March 2022, 20:02   #3910
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

I have the 70mai Pro Plus+ A500S Dual Channel Car Dash Cam and today I was checking the videos using my phone while it being connected to the dashcam using its inbuilt Wifi hotspot.

Yesterday, my wife took the car to kid's school at 2:01 PM from building and I have put the recordings to happen in 3 Min parts. I observed that 1-2 videos are missing from the card and the video which is recorded is also not fully 3 min but something like 1:42 min.
For her return journey from school to home, I can see videos in 3 min parts and no breaks in between and all videos are there.

Has anyone observed missing videos like this? I saw in emergency video too and it isn't there.
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Old 31st March 2022, 20:39   #3911
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by raksrules View Post
I have the 70mai Pro Plus+ A500S Dual Channel Car Dash Cam and today I was checking the videos using my phone while it being connected to the dashcam using its inbuilt Wifi hotspot.

Yesterday, my wife took the car to kid's school at 2:01 PM from building and I have put the recordings to happen in 3 Min parts. I observed that 1-2 videos are missing from the card and the video which is recorded is also not fully 3 min but something like 1:42 min.
For her return journey from school to home, I can see videos in 3 min parts and no breaks in between and all videos are there.

Has anyone observed missing videos like this? I saw in emergency video too and it isn't there.
Could be couple of reasons that I can think on top of my head
1. Was car switched off in between causing the cam to switch off in the middle of recording.
2. Is the 12v port lose and keeps connecting back causing break in recording?

Last edited by Aviator_guy : 31st March 2022 at 21:02.
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Old 31st March 2022, 21:47   #3912
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Aviator_guy View Post
Could be couple of reasons that I can think on top of my head
1. Was car switched off in between causing the cam to switch off in the middle of recording.
2. Is the 12v port lose and keeps connecting back causing break in recording?
Car wasn't switched off. In fact I noticed that there is no video of she removing car from society parking and taking on road. The recording starts at some abrupt moment while she is on road. I will check for few days as this is going to be regular route for her.
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Old 1st April 2022, 10:46   #3913
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

I have been searching, in vain, for a dual dash cam monitor with continuous parking mode, for XUV700 for almost 4 months now and can't seem to find one. (I now wish I had gone for the AXL version)
Can anyone suggest me one, that has the following features

Front and Rear Camera
Parking Monitoring, that records continuous not just based on "events". If it is based on Motion Sensor, even better.
Provision to connect to a external power bank and not to the Car Fuse Box (This is the single most important requirement).

If we don't have options available in India, I can procure it from USA as well.
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Old 1st April 2022, 11:15   #3914
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Mudhalaipatti View Post
I have been searching, in vain, for a dual dash cam monitor with continuous parking mode, for XUV700 for almost 4 months now and can't seem to find one. (I now wish I had gone for the AXL version)
Can anyone suggest me one, that has the following features

Front and Rear Camera
Parking Monitoring, that records continuous not just based on "events". If it is based on Motion Sensor, even better.
Provision to connect to a external power bank and not to the Car Fuse Box (This is the single most important requirement).

If we don't have options available in India, I can procure it from USA as well.
you need an additional wiring harness for parking monitoring. none of these harnesses support USB connectivity and are instead expected to be fixed to the fuse box. If you are going to connect to a power bank, it would continue to record, albeit in the drive mode. In this case, sensitivity would not matter.

AX7L also does not have the parking monitoring and instead only records the drive mode. If you have had the silver box flashed/replaced, you could attempt going with the fuse way of powering the dashcam. Trust me, the power consumed is minimal since the dashcam mostly relies on internal battery and records only on impact/sensitivity set.
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Old 1st April 2022, 11:31   #3915
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by pacman2881 View Post
CPL filter - How is the performance during night travel with CPL filter on the camera? Does CPL impact video quality in low light?
CPL filter reduce exposure (light entering the sensor), hence, yes there is a quality degradation at night, but that is not much. These budget dashcam (I am considering anything below 10K as budget) night video quality is anyway nothing to write about. My older 1080p Transcend had better night video quality. So a CPL increases the quality in daytime by reducing unwanted reflections, and low light quality degradation is not significant (not noticeable).
Originally Posted by pacman2881 View Post

Another noob question - I see lot of feedback on slow wifi copy speeds. I am thinking of getting a simple OTG card reader to back up videos to my mobile before they are overwritten during a long trip but I don't see much feedback on this approach. Is there any issue using OTG route for dashcam footage?
Using Wifi, you can copy a 500mb file approximately in 3 odd minutes, using OTG directly connecting to mobile, takes almost 5 minutes for same file. Copying one or two files like that is fine, but not whole card full of data. Tried it with my Samsung Galaxy S9. And if you try to copy cam SD card content to your mobile's SD card (not internal storage), it's slower Solution, keep multiple cards, change them when you think it's full and take backup to computer directly when you get access. Or, if you are hands-on with DIY stuff, can try this - backup solution (The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread) I use this solution in my long trips.

Originally Posted by raksrules View Post
Car wasn't switched off. In fact I noticed that there is no video of she removing car from society parking and taking on road. The recording starts at some abrupt moment while she is on road. I will check for few days as this is going to be regular route for her.
So far have not noticed missing video in my cam yet, possible that it happens in random. But for missing initial video there could be an explanation. Like in my case, it takes almost 15 sec for the camera to start recording, so if I start the car and immediately leave, in my cam it is always that I am out of parking (in that 15 sec). This recording startup time depends on SD card size and quality I guess. It comes down to some 5-7 second when I use 64gb card, 15 sec when I use 256gb card (both are Samsung Evo select). And normally the last video is not always 3 minute, depending on when car ignition switches off.

Originally Posted by Mudhalaipatti View Post
I have been searching, in vain, for a dual dash cam monitor with continuous parking mode, for XUV700 for almost 4 months now and can't seem to find one. (I now wish I had gone for the AXL version)
Can anyone suggest me one, that has the following features

Front and Rear Camera
Parking Monitoring, that records continuous not just based on "events". If it is based on Motion Sensor, even better.
Provision to connect to a external power bank and not to the Car Fuse Box (This is the single most important requirement).

If we don't have options available in India, I can procure it from USA as well.
Have not used, but heard DDPAi dual channel dashcam has both channel timelapse recording while parking mode.

Viofo has buffered parking mode, which keep on recording in buffer, if any impact or motion change happens, it saves the video to card, so you get video recording say 30 sec before the impact, during and after it; without using whole space on card. But may keep recording if you park in open and people or traffic movement is there always. Viofo is better in most aspect than both 70mai and DDPAI.

I miss my old Transcend, it also had similar options. But In India Transcend does not sell dual channel cams.

Just to add, for power bank option, I guess this need DIY. However, Nexdigitron has some battery hardwire kit, not sure if it solves your problem.

Last edited by dipdawiz : 1st April 2022 at 11:40.
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