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Old 20th August 2019, 19:24   #2731
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by NoMan47 View Post
hey guys. any suggestions for a good dashcam for the innova crysta?
Get the Viofo A129. It's dual channel and has fantastic picture quality. It comes with parking mode for advanced surveillance and also uses capacitors instead of batteries to reduce fire risk from over heating if your car sits in hot sun for long periods.

Lastly, it supports 256GB storage, which is also a huge advantage.

Last edited by rovingeye : 20th August 2019 at 19:26.
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Old 23rd August 2019, 07:36   #2732
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Is that a fact? I have a Transcend running fine on battery for 5 years. These guys factor in high heat while making these cameras. So nothing happens really. Haven't come across any camera exploding.
Originally Posted by rovingeye View Post
uses capacitors instead of batteries to reduce fire risk from overheating if your car sits in the hot sun for long periods.
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Old 23rd August 2019, 08:57   #2733
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by NoMan47 View Post
hey guys. any suggestions for a good dashcam for the innova crysta?
I am in the same boat and looking for a suitable dash cam for crysta, but I have one challenge, all the models I see are stick gum types and I have installed tint on front windshield and those guys warned me from installing stick type / vacuum type devices on tint.

Any other suggestions, something which can say cling to the IRVM or sun visor?
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Old 23rd August 2019, 10:54   #2734
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by haisaikat View Post
I am in the same boat and looking for a suitable dash cam for crysta, but I have one challenge, all the models I see are stick gum types and I have installed tint on front windshield and those guys warned me from installing stick type / vacuum type devices on tint.

Any other suggestions, something which can say cling to the IRVM or sun visor?
I didn’t know this about windshield tints. That puts both of us in that boat then. Maybe a solution could be precisely cutting out the film where required for the cam?
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Old 23rd August 2019, 12:29   #2735
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by NoMan47 View Post
I didn’t know this about windshield tints. That puts both of us in that boat then. Maybe a solution could be precisely cutting out the film where required for the cam?
I would not like to go that route of cutting the film, but is possible option, especially those who are yet to tint.

I am looking for other options, even dash mount (not windscreen mount) options are welcome, apart from visor or IRVM mount

My criteria is
1. Good battery
2. Better wire management
3. Better day and night all round performance
4. Mobile access is nice to have
5. In built GPS nice to have, not sure if it exists
6. In built screen nice to have, not mandatory
7. Image stabilization not required, it's an expensive proposition like go pro ones
8. 1080p is must, 4k or higher is nice to have
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Old 24th August 2019, 18:27   #2736
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by antardaksh View Post
Please check here for location of earth point (Volkswagen Vento - User Discovered Features and Quirks)

For constant + you may use 44 in fusebox.
Thanks for your help. I have tapped in to 42 for ACC and empty 44 for VCC. Temporarily stuck the ground to metal body frame. Everything works fine for now. Photos attached.
Attached Thumbnails
The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-51a62d6914834f13acb738d6170c6ed0.jpeg  

The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-7982cc159fd6473c82a911fe9f9dc5c8.jpeg  

The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-f568bc483889412dae1339ad4d6f12b5.jpeg  

The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-93410c17aaa04326afaf8e65bdee340a.jpeg  

The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-5f1fead786034af19d09b3c6cbbebf01.jpeg  

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Old 24th August 2019, 23:07   #2737
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Initially, I thought I would write a detailed review of the dashcam that I installed a month or so ago. But to do the same and get it appear on the homepage is a daunting task. Hence, I chose to write this brief report.

The dashcam that I got installed is XiaoMi MiJia Dash Cam 1S -f075.

Why did I get this particular one?

I always wanted to install a dashcam. This is the only add-on accessory on my car apart from floor mats and seat covers. For several days, I browsed on YouTube to look up for a good dashcam. Ran into a couple of videos reviewing this. They called it perfect for an amateur. Other reviews also had high opinions about it. I became adamant on getting only this one.

Apart from the reviews to instill confidence in this dashcam, my exposure with my friends' and relatives' xiaomi phones also helped the cause. XiaoMi phones, definitely, have got excellent cameras. This opinion comes from user of mid-range phone from Samsung, me. This further cemented my decision.

All the reviews suggested getting it from a Chinese website called banggood. I installed that app from Google Play Store. I was unsure if they delivered in Nepal and if international payment was possible. Online market is still in rudimentary phase in Nepal. I also checked it on flipkart. The price was twice than what it was on Banggood. And even flipkart doesn't deliver to Nepal.

I thought getting it carried by someone from China was the cheapest way and also the most feasible. I had a couple of friends who were doing their Masters' or business in China and were scheduled to return to Nepal soon. I called one. He agreed but he had a flight next day. So, it was in no way possible to order online and collect it before his flight.

Then, a couple of weeks later, I got in touch with a Nepalese friend of mine with a Chinese wife who were visiting China for Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year. They agreed, but informed me that deliveries were stopped for the festival and when it resumes, they would already have been back to Nepal. This was around Jan/Feb, 2019.

Now that was a real trouble. This couple promised to get me one the next year they travel to China for their new year. But I was in no mood to wait for another year. Then, I realized that one of my friend's younger brother and also a good friend of mine, was doing his master's and was going to graduate in July. He has a Bolero and Grand i10 at his home. Earlier, when he was in Nepal during his vacation, he had told me that he wanted to get reverse cam for both his vehicles. Once, he had defended his thesis, I contacted him and he readily agreed. Surprisingly, there was a XiaoMi store in his university premises. He acquired one from there. Thanks to him. He also got a couple of cameras for his Bolero but from a different make.

I was anxiously waiting for him, as anxious as his parents waiting for their son. The very day he arrived, he called me. I rushed to him in the lunch break and received it from him. This thing cost me 6500NPR. 100INR=160NPR. I thanked him from the deep of my heart. While most of the thank yous are just for formality, this one was one of my sincerest thank yous!

It was Friday. Don't remember the date. My duty hours extends till 5pm. But as it was Friday, there were fewer patients after 3:30pm. I had parked my car just below my block. Rushed down, unboxed and got the user manual out. It was in Chinese. I was not surprised. It was expected. But there were diagrams which were helpful.

Installation process:

This took a complete day from me. Saturday is public weekly holiday in Nepal. I sat in my car all the day long trying to install the only accessory in my car. Fixing it on the windshield was not an issue. The wire connecting it to 12V charger was long enough. Got the device connected to the power. Did not do any taping or arranging of the wire. It still hangs in the middle of the cabin. And I do not have any problems with that.

The manual said that the camera had little internal memory and required an SD card. Rushed to the market and got one from Samsung for 2000NPR. All done, I was only a step away to stream the videos on my mobile.

Downloaded the app. The QR code on the manual helps download the app directly. There were a number of QR codes. Trial and error method. Finally downloaded Mi Home App. Made an account, logged in. This was a breeze. Then, I had to connect the app to the dashcam. Tried umpteen methods: failed. As the car got hotter parked in the sun, had to crank the engine and turn on the AC several times to cool down.

Tried to connect the dashcam to the app again and again but it would not. Restarted the mobile several times. Restarted / Plugged - unplugged the dashcam several times. Nothing worked. You won't believe me, but I had a terrible headache by the evening. And I knew no medicine could treat it.

I uninstalled and installed the app several times. Logged in and logged off several times. Only after several hours, I found out that LOCATION needed to be turned on to get it connected.

When I logged in, I had chosen India in the "region" option for convenience. Amazingly, they did not show my dashcam in the list. I thought of changing it to China mainland, but I was afraid, all of would appear in Chinese characters. Resorted to Nepal, and voila they showed my dashcam. Finally, was able to connect it.

But my nightmare doesn't end here. The menu on the dashcam is all in Chinese. Browsed several websites and YouTube videos to decipher the characters. Finally, I became knowledgeable enough to be able to use the basic functions.


When the region is selected to Nepal, there's an option to download the updated firmware. It easily gets downloaded but doesn't get "pushed". Some websites mention that there is an English language firmware available. Is the one that doesn't get "pushed" the same english language firmware update? I don't know. Those websites suggest on downloading the apk file to the hard disk of the computer, taking out the SD card, copying the file to the SD card and restarting the device. I was reluctant to do that. The problem is, everytime I connect the device, the app requires me to push that firmware update which doesn't get pushed. It's irritating.

So I changed the region to China Mainland. And bravo, the push notification was no more. I was happy. It ran well for few days. Then, there was this issue/bug. Each time, I switched on the dashcam, I had to set the date and time which was irritating. Connecting it to the app gets the time reset to the time on your mobile. But you wouldn't want to do that several times a day. Finally, figured out that it got fixed after app version update. Everything seemed fine, but didn't feel comfortable with region as China Mainland. So changed it to Nepal again. I got those notifications to "push" update again. I decided to live with this irritating notification. And the setting is the same till now. But once, I get a couple of hours of free time and a cooler day, I will explore other options.

If anyone of you have any fix to this bug "getting the update pushed", please help me out.

My opinion:
I am satisfied and happy with my dash cam. The app is quite user friendly and its very easy to download the recorded videos. You can also take photos through the mobile app. The videos are two minutes long each and recorded in loop fashion that is the older ones get deleted once new ones are recorded.

Now let the videos to the talking. I have pasted the links to a few videos that I have put on YouTube. You can go to my channel Virtual Tourist and search for more than 50 videos through this dash cam. There are videos recorded in day, in night, in rains and in anything.
This is my channel.

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Old 26th August 2019, 19:12   #2738
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by haisaikat View Post
I have one challenge, all the models I see are stick gum types and I have installed tint on front windshield and those guys warned me from installing stick type / vacuum type devices on tint.

Did you/they come across any such issues? I have been using a vacuum suction mobile holder for more than a year. I have 3M film on windshield & my mobile holder is almost always stuck on it & occasionally the phone in mobile holder. Haven't noticed any issue so far in that area.

I'm also planning to a buy a stick type dashcam & since mobile itself didn't cause any issue, I assume much lighter dashcams also should be fine.
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Old 27th August 2019, 10:13   #2739
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Midas View Post
Did you/they come across any such issues? I have been using a vacuum suction mobile holder for more than a year. I have 3M film on windshield & my mobile holder is almost always stuck on it & occasionally the phone in mobile holder. Haven't noticed any issue so far in that area.

I'm also planning to a buy a stick type dashcam & since mobile itself didn't cause any issue, I assume much lighter dashcams also should be fine.
Thanks for the reassurance. The film guy scared me, not sure if it was just precaution or something they have seen in the past. Considering the film price and 10 years warranty, I am still avoiding a windshield Mount dashcam for now. Any suggestions welcome.

A few options I found online are as below


The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-61pdleo5mfl._ss1000_.jpg


The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-img_20190827_101115.jpg

My choice would be a one that sits on top of the dash as wire management will be tidier.
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Old 28th August 2019, 08:38   #2740
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

I have ordered viofo 129 duo IR from AliExpress on 26th. There is sale going on and I think I got good discounts. 182.62$ for dashcam + all accessories + 128GB viofo memory card. Let's see how much time it takes to arrive.
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Old 28th August 2019, 15:13   #2741
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by haisaikat View Post
I am still avoiding a windshield Mount dashcam for now. Any suggestions welcome.

A few options I found online are as below


Attachment 1910246
For SJCAM, if I remember correctly, there is one option called bike mount, which is similar to this pic. I am using it for my SJCAM as Dashcam in my car for last 4 years, fixed it on the Inside Rear View Mirror mount. I dont remember removing it so far, the cam can be removed, leaving the mount there itself.
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Old 29th August 2019, 08:42   #2742
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Just wanted to notify DDPai users that the DDPai Android app has a malware. Found this while I scanned the phone using MalwareBytes, after the recent scare created because of malware presence in the popular app CamScanner.

The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread-screenshot_malwarebytes_20190829081200.png
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Old 29th August 2019, 19:07   #2743
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Has anyone here used the "Blaupunkt DVR BP 3.0 FHD/SOS/G-Sensor/GPS/HDMI/64GB Digital Video Recorder" ? I searched the forum and folks seem to have used a lower/earlier 2.1 version. It's available for less than 5K online and I am interested. Hence the query.
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Old 2nd September 2019, 10:50   #2744
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Hi BHP-ians,

I am in need of a dashcam, and unfortunately have not been able to make a decision. Believe me, I went through this entire thread! I would be very grateful if someone could help me out here?

  • The usual: HD+, USB-powered, night mode, 30FPS, 140 deg+ angle etc.
  • Capacitor power: Don't want to take chances with battery leakage given the Kerala summers
  • Small and discreet - No screen
  • Removeable SD card
  • Wifi/Bluetooth
  • Decent mobile app support
  • No need for any bells and whistles like timelapse, lane departure etc.
  • Important: Should be removable as I want to use it among two (sparingly used) cars. The mount may be fixed.
The Viofo seems to be the hot favourite here, but unfortunately it won't work for me. That they are permanently fixed and that their mobile apps appear have a lot of problems, most Chinese manufacturers are sadly ruled out. I liked the 70Mai and DDPai for their designs.

I found this here (Garmin Mini) but it has be imported from US and I am weary of the brand. It looks expensive at $130 but shipping to India is $7 only. Does anyone have any experience with them?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! TIA!


Last edited by vadakkus : 2nd September 2019 at 11:14. Reason: typo
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Old 2nd September 2019, 12:37   #2745
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by vadakkus View Post
The Viofo seems to be the hot favourite here, but unfortunately it won't work for me. That they are permanently fixed and that their mobile apps appear have a lot of problems, most Chinese manufacturers are sadly ruled out. I liked the 70Mai and DDPai for their designs.
You can get suction mount for viofo cameras - so if that's the main disqualifier you may look beyond it.
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