Team-BHP - The Bicycles thread

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After a few years on early "learner", rode a "Hero Hawk 5 Speed" for about a year and half to school - 12.5kms one way, and cycled a lot in college.

Planning to rediscover those joys - ever since I came across these guys

It makes a lot of sense, especially when I see roadfulls of cars with one person in them, all moving at 3kmph in first gear inside the city.

My first cycle was a BSA SLR which was brought when I was in 6th Std. Used it till my I PUC days. During the period, modded it with Hero Ranger Handlebar, Chain Cover / Atlas Concorde pedals, seats etc.

About a year back purchased a Hero Razor back to be used for exercising.


Check this India Cycling forum BikesZone - Cycling :: Index

Today morning the newspaper had a hard hitting research finding that squarely blamed people like me for global warming. Yes, I own a SUV and a Yamaha 2 stroker – both fuel guzzlers. With a feeling of guilt I switched on the TV only to be served the news of fuel price hike.

I decided that its time for me to do something about it. I walked to my garage where my cycle was rusting away to glory. My memory raced back to the time when I cycled to school, went to PUC in public transport bus, went to college in my Yamaha and today to work in a SUV.

I dusted my cycle and pushed it to the road side cycle repair wallah. Before I could say anything he said – “the best price I can offer for that is Rs 500”. My heart skipped a beat, and then I told him that I wanted it to be restored to original condition and how I would be doing my bit for the environmental cause by riding it to work everyday. He just nodded his head not understanding a word of what I was talking.

Some 4 hours later he handed me a hand written bill for Rs 1000. There was my cycle with a new set of tyres, tyre tubes, ball bearing, brake cables, spokes on the wheel, brake pads, reflectors etc. No amount of rubbing with anti rust powder could hide the scars of time.

Finally, all set. I took my cycle out for a small spin. Suddenly pedestrians were walking right in front of my cycle (something they never dared to do in front of my SUV). The cycle bell commanded no respect. Every biker on the road who overtook me, gave me a nasty stare as if I had committed a crime against humanity. At every crossing the cyclist’s turn came the last.

End of the day I am thinking – tomorrow do I buy a cyclist safety gear or just buy fuel for my fuel guzzlers with the same money.

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All the rust that had gathered in the 7 years that I did not use my cycle.
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My cycle post its restoration work

LOL....nice writeup and funny way to beat the price hike.

But yes, if we as a nation were more sensitive to environment and our fellow human beings, we wouldnt be driving our SUV's over every pedestrian, bicycle-walla and any small object that dares to cross our path.

OMG, this is the same bicycle I have and the colour also happens to be the same. I have unfortunately kept it on terrace and is not in good shape. I will be washing and now repairing it. I hope that the gearbox is is good shape. If needed, I will replace the cable.
For small jobs with less distance, I will go on bicycle.

If the condition of my bicycle is not good, then I might ask dad to invest in new bicycle and that too with suspension ( Hero Ranger Swing ) or if at all available, Hercules topgear with suspension.

Hey I have the same cycle. Except I haven't seen it for a couple of years and it's in SUCH a bad state, last heard, I wasn't even offered Rs. 100 for it. Good times... sigh :) Mine was blue in colour. What a dream come true at that time. Mine is completely beyond repair. I was almost thinking of buying a new bike some time back, but the Mumbai summer and the prospect of Mumbai rains turned me off. Nah, I'd rather wade through.

great write up! enjoyed reading. but ya not safe at all. so unfortunate.

Nice post, but unfortunately cycle is not a safe option in a city like Bangalore. The road discipline is probably one of the worst I have seen.

Very good and inspiring thread. Reminds me of the saying "Every rupee saved is a rupee earned"

Here is my bicycle.
It is now a special shade of green and black. I use it once a while but my umm..."weight" prevents me from using it reularly. I used to be a very very good cyclist in school and until two years ago used to cycle atleast 28-30 Kms everyday.

Hi Rough - enjoyed reading, it was nicely put. I am also thinking seriously on the same thing. Alas, I don't have one with old memories, handed over my two cycles to cousin's kids way back in 90s, a Hero VIP and a bueatiful black Ranger. If someone knows more about current models, please recommend some good ones with light weight, sifficient gears and setup.

There is a new hero range. Alluminum Disk Brakes and stunning looks. You can also check out FireFox.

@Cyrus does your by-cycle have K&N filters installed???whats the average after installation any more performance upgrade :D

Cycling is a good option for small errands and shopping near to home! Great thought and write up !!!

ps: for 7 years that cycle still looks very good, pedal on mate.

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