Team-BHP - The Bicycles thread

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Originally Posted by Lalvaz (Post 3631606)
Excellent bike and even better improvement in your health. BTW what was your hba1c and lipid levels earlier when you were diagnosed as diabetic?

It has gone very high. HBA1c was 13, & Fasting Blood sugar 280, those were days with no dietary control and exercise.

@Fintail - okay. If commuting is your plan, then by all means, choose a cheaper bicycle.
Heck - why not which fits the commuter role better IMO :) Dont agree on your point reg maintenance. infact, all geared bikes with comparable shimano components will require the same TLC.
One man's practicality is another man's wastefulness!

@yogi: point but OHC VTec is miles away from that. Your point is well taken for a seasoned cyclist building a cycle with a large budget and patience to accumulate parts :)

@shijinpr: Congratulations on the improvement in your health!!

@parsh: RR5 or the above cheetah or firefox in that price. I've not found Hero products in that price well finished / as well put together or with as good components (heavier / cheaper tyres etc).

Did post that phamilyman as I am building one :).

Just a sneak peak.

The Bicycles thread-20141031-15.37.25.jpg


Originally Posted by parsh (Post 3631515)
Hows the Urban Trail HT-1 feedback?

Attachment 1332706

Trail bikes are not that cheap. They start 70k+ last I noticed.
This sounds like a BSO to me.


Originally Posted by phamilyman (Post 3631668)
@parsh: RR5 or the above cheetah or firefox in that price. I've not found Hero products in that price well finished / as well put together or with as good components (heavier / cheaper tyres etc).



Originally Posted by nareshov (Post 3632618)
Trail bikes are not that cheap. They start 70k+ last I noticed.
This sounds like a BSO to me.


I can't say much about BSOs. I have seen many a bike with various similar aspects/components and packed in boxes ready to ride with very little assembly required and these price points.

Urban Trail, as I understand is the premium offering from Hero stable only.
HT-1 in that is the basic one to begin with. This has Steel-Alloy combo frame, Shimano Tourney TX gearing and EF51 trigger shifters and seemed like a decent setup from the overall first impression. The manufacturing seemed much higher quality unlike other Hero and really looked at on par with Firefoxes hanging around.

Hi Bhpians,

Cycle bug hit me few weeks back, mainly because of interest I had on cycles during my teenage (mid 90's) and availability of lots of green open space with wide roads and less traffic around my home. Also, the need to be physically fit is also pushing me to take up cycling.

So now to the question, I went to two suggested shops (found through browsing cycle forums) in Bangalore and checked out few models. Looks like, my mind is keen on Montra/ Fantom/ Rockrider entry levels, costing in range of 15k. Further, with no apparent reason, I felt like MTB's is the one to go for. This is due to my fetish towards fat tyres stupid: (I have FZ 16 and have upgraded my palio tyres to one size up). However, the guy in one of the shop is strongly suggesting hybrid for me as he is saying MTB's will require more pressure to ride and I will loose interest in cycling after few weeks because of toughness it requires. The same reason was cited by my father when he bought me BSA SLR in 1992, when I was pushing for streetcat/ Rockshox then rl:

Just to make suggestions easier, Iam short in height (around 5.4) and have put on weight recently. So, will you please help me in deciding on practicality of MTB/ Hybrid with some suggestions? I dont think I will be going on very long distances (like office/ distances greater than 6-7 kms), it will be used primarily around home in mornings. Also, in these shops I touched a cycle after long 15 years!!


Originally Posted by Aravindpn (Post 3632906)

So now to the question, I went to two suggested shops (found through browsing cycle forums) in Bangalore and checked out few models. Looks like, my mind is keen on Montra/ Fantom/ Rockrider entry levels, costing in range of 15k. ...

With permission to be a little frank, you're not quite approaching this right - but that's ok. Bicycles are a different animal altogether and those of us getting into cycling after many years start by drawing parallels with how we would buy a car or a motorcycle.

Here's a useful link that should answer most of your questions - if not - at the very least it will guide you to asking yourself the correct questions, which in turn should hopefully direct you to the most suitable bike for you.

Please do read this carefully. He's summarised this very well although he's a bit curt at times in his style of writing (this is why I love how Team BHP moderates site content - but anyway, I digress).

I would also recommend you visit some really high quality bike stores - should be plenty in Bangalore - procycle is one name that comes to mind. Read their link too (see below) that guides newbies into the different kinds of bikes. I assume they will be in a position to guide you much better as to what suits your requirements best.!bike-guide/c1hx9

Happy shopping and happy riding.

Had gone to buy a Montra Trance Pro. Saw a 2013 Scott Atacama Sport x60 parked along side. Bought the Scott since i got a good discount since it is a 2013 model. Nice bike very light and comfortable.


Originally Posted by JediKnight (Post 3639061)
Had gone to buy a Montra Trance Pro. Saw a 2013 Scott Atacama Sport x60 parked along side. Bought the Scott since i got a good discount since it is a 2013 model. Nice bike very light and comfortable.

Ah! Congrats! More pics- and the pricing details please.

As an aside- do you feel any effects of *aging* on this cycle - this one is a 2 year old (from model year perspective - i.e).

Even if effects are there (I really doubt!), I guess they shall be liveable with.
Bicycles are hardly complex compered to those fuel guzzlers! A tyre change- at the max- perhaps? stupid:

I would change the brake pads (rubberized compounds?) - but I guess- even that is OVERKILL. I guess- you be the judge. Remember- "If it ain't broke- don't fix it!"

'Neways- congrats- and enjoy her!

I have taken baby steps in this world. I have around 10 years of cycling experience thanks to the school which was 6 kms one way distance. But the last time I did cycling was in 1999. Now back into the game. Kind of pushed into this thanks too poor health. And rising weight and cholestrol.

Did not want a high end cycle so took a 7 speed commuter cycle second hand. So far so good. Planning to cycle my way to work which involves climbing up and down 3 hilly roads. 10kms of pure exercise or torture, depending on the way you look at it.

This is a basic 7 speed cycle. And I am surprised at how far the cycles have come since my Atlas Goldline days. If I lift up the cycle few cms off the ground and then let it fall, the whole thing bounces like a solid rubber ball and in total silence. My old Atlas used to let out an orchestra of various tunes.

And no. This is not a ladies cycle. :)

The Bicycles thread-cycle.jpg


Originally Posted by download2live (Post 3639324)
I have taken baby steps in this world. I have around 10 years of cycling experience thanks to the school which was 6 kms one way distance. But the last time I did cycling was in 1999. Now back into the game. Kind of pushed into this thanks too poor health. And rising weight and cholestrol.

Congrats! She looks...err....retro! :D

The leather seats...etc...Looks just perfect- out of the box from 1965.

More details please. And how does it feel to use it- without any front suspension?

It is a Cell Urban chill 7 cycle. The al-cheapo cycle from a local manufacturer in Australia. Much like Model-T, it comes only in one color.

Rides just like any other cycle I guess. I never rode any cycle with front shock absorbers.

Wanted to keep my investments little as I am not sure how long I will ride it.

The seat is fake leather. :)

The cycle is very light but feels surprisingly solid.

I wish I was younger. I could have passed off as a Univ Student going to classes.


Originally Posted by download2live (Post 3639368)
I wish I was younger. I could have passed off as a Univ Student going to classes.

Oh- really? lol:

Most- if not all University students I know are more than content with their KTM 390's- and the likes. :D

Save for IIT's (IIRC- In IIT Kanpur- notably), everywhere one can see those wannabe Rossi's everywhere- and most of them just happen to be so called- Students. Indisciplined brats.

OT : In IIT's- The NO-Motorized vehicle was enforced quite rigorously.

Planning to buy a 4 yrs old Trek 3 from a friend - what is a fair value that I should be paying for this bicycle.


Originally Posted by LonelyPlanet (Post 3639627)
Planning to buy a 4 yrs old Trek 3 from a friend - what is a fair value that I should be paying for this bicycle.


Short answer : about 55-70% of the price of what he paid for it. Not the current MRP.

Long answer : Check if the bike size suits you. See if you are comfortable riding it, and not for short rides around the society, but longer rides.
Then get the bike checked at a good cycle shop. Or atleast by someone who does a lot of cycling and can give feedback on the condition of the components.
And based on that make the decision on the price. If he is your friend he should be fine with the above approach.

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