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Old 3rd July 2009, 15:05   #61
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Hi Iron wolf if you are very particular for 550 don't try in coorg and Chikamagalore they quote very high because of limited number of vehicles.please let me know your budget i try from my contacts, mean while think again there is a lot of 5 numbers of 550 in Chennai all are 2000 models Ex Army.
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Old 3rd July 2009, 15:24   #62
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Originally Posted by swastikviji View Post
Hi Iron wolf if you are very particular for 550 don't try in coorg and Chikamagalore they quote very high because of limited number of vehicles.please let me know your budget i try from my contacts, mean while think again there is a lot of 5 numbers of 550 in Chennai all are 2000 models Ex Army.


Swastikviji has good point. Check with him and get hold on one of the Ex Army 550 if you can.

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Old 4th July 2009, 13:55   #63
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Just checked with Shiva. There are actually 6 in the trailer.
He said that the vehicles have to be registered there in chennai by the guy who brought it down and then NOC taken and then I need to register in Blr.

Also rates of these have to be finalized, which has not been done.

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Old 6th July 2009, 10:29   #64
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Originally Posted by IronWolf View Post
Hi Arka,

Problem with Coorg is who ever I checked with were only able to find highly priced rust buckets.

If you have any contacts do let me know.

Daniel (YRC
I totally agree with iron wolf. Born and brought up in Coorg i bought my Jeep from Mangalore. The prices quoted are very high and as correctly mentioned they are nothing more than rust buckets.
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Old 14th July 2009, 20:31   #65
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Hi iron wolf
there is some 6 mm 540 for action in Karnataka bija nigama,thats opp hebbal police stastion if you still looking for a 540 just visit the place,action is next week,thats all i know.
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Old 14th July 2009, 23:25   #66
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There are four MM550s are left out in Chennai with the scrap vendor here, however then condition of the jeeps are not that good in condition.

I got one for my friend for Rs.1.36L + approx. 20K for life tax and Insurance. Then we need to restore the jeep, the jeep's engine is not in starting condition and almost all the engine parts seems to be dismantled and assembled as part of pre-condemn process in the Army depot.

So, If anyone willing to touch a budget of Rs.2.5L or slightly higher may try the MM550s in Chennai.

Here are few pics of the available MM550s one of them was already bought by me for a Friend.

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0652.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0655.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0656.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0658.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0659.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0661.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0667.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0670.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0673.jpg

The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-image0668.jpg

Last edited by trammway : 14th July 2009 at 23:26.
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Old 15th July 2009, 09:13   #67
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1.36 is definitely on the upper price band for a jeep in this type of condition. I guess a thorough restoration will shoot up the total budget to around 3L.
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Old 15th July 2009, 12:06   #68
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So this is where Shibu got his MM 550.
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Old 15th July 2009, 12:46   #69
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1.36L without registration is daylight robbery!!!

Jeeps in this condition I have seen in Mayapuri going for 60-65K MAX.
I recently helped a friend of mine get a jeep for 1.20L
Start condition, All denting work, patch work done up, completely repainted, new fabrication of seats and seat covers + New hood, engine not overhauled but minimum work done on the engine, and the vehicle had run for about 500 kms after the engine work. i had even posted a picture in one of the threads about it.

i think that we guys in north india are in quite an advantage!!!

i picked up mine for 77K
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Old 15th July 2009, 13:35   #70
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Originally Posted by harjeev View Post
i think that we guys in north india are in quite an advantage!!!
i picked up mine for 77K
Please dont rub it in Harjeev, Imagine these guys are charging about 80k a piece just to transport these things from Mayapuri.

I wish there was something like the Mayapuri of the south. Or if we could get in on the Army auctions easier down south.

There is a LOT of work from what I can see. All the best this this Shibu person and anyone else who picks it up.

If I were desperate for an ex-Army (which I have got over now) I would rather do what Fk7 did. Go to Mayapuri. Select one. Truck it down. 70-80k to truck it down ? I think not.

Speaking of which Tarkesh, did you get a call from Manu?

Status: There was a civilian 550 which I almost closed on. However the owner after making me wait for 3 weeks, decided to give it to his relative.

Getting nowhere!
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Old 15th July 2009, 14:07   #71
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Can you summarize what it is you are looking for? I went through a few of your posts and I have a general Idea, but, can you list in simple terms Option 1 (ideal case) and Option 2, along with the condition, features and price you are willing to pay? I can't imagine it being sooo difficult to get one MM540/550 in Bangalore.
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Old 16th July 2009, 00:09   #73
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Ganesh, Thanks for your time. To answer your last line. Yes its not really working out.

I am looking for a 10yr oldish Factory 4x4 MM550 (preferable) or 540. It has to be in good running condition. Ascetics not too finicky about and is debatable Jeep to Jeep.

Budget I have is only about 1.2L so not looking for anything fancy.

VFM will be an underlying current for every option looked at.

Not moved to the stage where I buy a 2WD and convert it. Prefer the plaque to say 4WD.

All sites checked and all these guys called. my comments inline in bold.

Originally Posted by gbanavar View Post
Here are a few that are listed right now!!

Mahindra 540 with 4X4 FOR SALE from Karnataka Bangalore Urban @ Classifieds > India > Mahindra 540 with 4X4 FOR SALE from Karnataka Bangalore Urban,free,indian,classified ad,classified ads,secondhand,second hand

Jeep is in Coorg for last 10 days. It will come to bangalore only this weekend. However I am away. So maybe I will see it on Monday.
Call this person and first thing he will is apologize that the Jeep in not in Bangalore at the moment.

customized Mahindra MM540 jeep for sale Vehicles from Karnataka Bangalore Urban @ Classifieds > India > customized Mahindra MM540 jeep for sale Vehicles from Karnataka Bangalore Urban,free,indian,classified ad,classified ads,secondhand,sec

This is a 2WD. His ads are all over many many sites. I have saved the name as 2WD Anand just to not bug him anymore.

1989 MM 540 FOR SALE from Karnataka Bangalore Urban @ Classifieds > India > 1989 MM 540 FOR SALE from Karnataka Bangalore Urban,free,indian,classified ad,classified ads,secondhand,second hand

I know I called this number. I think its sold. Not really sure. May be I overlooked it cause its 20 years old.

If these don't work out let me know.. I will try to find one through my contacts.
If you think I am being over ambitious. Like someone said in another Jeep Thread. Jeeps are like rough diamonds waiting to be discovered.
There was a civilian 550 which I almost closed on. However the owner after making me wait for 3 weeks, decided to give it to his relative.
I almost scored this 1999 specimen for well under 1L.
The elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-dsc01752e.jpgThe elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-dsc01746e.jpgThe elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-dsc01754.jpgThe elusive MM540 / 550. EDIT: New Search for ex-Army 550 on page 9-dsc01753e.jpg

There was engine work to be done, tinkering & painting to be done. But total bill would not have gone over 1.3L. That too for a MM550.

Had even got it checked with Stephen Suresh's workshop guy. 3 of us were looking forward for this deal. But things are just not working out.

I will PM you my mobile - in case you have any leads or need more clarity

Last edited by IronWolf : 16th July 2009 at 00:12. Reason: Removed Excess smilies
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Old 17th July 2009, 12:13   #74
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One dealer in Chennai quoted an absurd 1.98L for the auctioned MM550 plus 20K for registration !!

Unfortunately, my MM550 dreams will have to wait as unforeseen expenses washed my savings away.
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Old 17th July 2009, 12:26   #75
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iron wolf - have u considered picking up a good specimen from Mayapuri ?? there are so many dilli members who will be glad to help u. all u need to do is a person for u at ground zero and once something is identified, u can even take train to dilli ( 2 keep costs low ! )

stay there for a few days and buy the vehicle. do the paper work .

for transporation - u shud first chek with the packers/movers empannelled in ur company. when i shifted from Gurgaon to Chennai i paid around 12-13k for transporting my car ! i dont think it shud cost more than that for a jeep.

if ur passionate on acquiring a MM550 and ur on a strict budget - u need to do much more than just calling up on ads dude ( dont take it in the wrong sense )
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