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Old 25th June 2013, 19:24   #241
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Apologies for the delayed responses .. was traveling abroad and just got back today.

Originally Posted by desertfox View Post
Went for an OTR with the NIOC team ? How did your Thar do on the trails ? Who was the lead car Kapil ?
Yes, this was perhaps my fourth or fifth OTR with the NIOC team. The Thar performed pretty much to my satisfaction. Could not clear some obstacles that the self-built Jeeps could manage, and vice versa. Overall, a fun half-day spent with nice like-minded gentlemen. Yes, Kapil was there leading the trail along with Sarvinder ji and a few more senior folk.

Originally Posted by ankurd View Post
- Alloys: did you pick this from Mahindra, is there a brand name if its from outside. I am in Bangalore and can search around.(cost?)
No, Mahindra has useless alloys as standard accessory. Te alloys on my Jeep are of a company called HR / Sai Mag Wheels ( I have used their wheels on two other cars in addition to the Thar and have been happy with the performance (no dents, bends, etc.). Other good brands are Lenso, etc. I really don't remember the cost now as this was the first purchase in conjunction with the tires and final price included buyback for stock wheels and tires.

Originally Posted by ankurd View Post
- Rear susp: is this available only at the location you mentioned, or can be picked from a dealer? Would anyone in Bangalore know of this please.
Mr. Pawar will deliver them to your doorstep and you may have to pay 500 bucks to some mechanic to get them installed. Or by now he may have tied up with a few dealers in Bangalore like he has in Delhi. Pricing may turn out to be cheaper that way - you may speak to him directly. Here is the link to the relevant post in this thread itself with all contact details.

You may also try another product recently developed by a very senior & respected member of the Jeeping community which is called the "Jenniah leaf spring". Here is the link ..

And here is a review ..

Originally Posted by ankurd View Post
- brake: the dealer gave me a blank stare when I explained the upgrade, has anyone done this in BLR, was is done under warranty and which service center/contact do this job? If not, would one know the cost for this job?
Originally Posted by ankurd View Post
Hi Ranjith- can we touch base? How do I contact you, can you PM me your number, I wanted info on the brake upgrade and I live in BLR. Many thanks. I am planning to address this work next week Tuesday and any information on your part wold be helpful.
Best. A.
Again, all this is mentioned in full detail in this thread itself in one of the early pages. It includes all pictures, part nos., etc. Try finding it and let me know if you cannot as I also will have to go through the thread and find it.

Rajith has done a full fledged upgrade. Even if you do the basic upgrade in which they only change the booster (costs about 10K and is covered under warranty) you will be pretty much OK as a first step and later you can go in for changing vacuum pump, etc. like Rajith has done - in case you are not satisfied with the performance.

All I am trying to say is that first get your Thar and enjoy it as it is for a few thousand kms before going in for major modifications - you will be happier that way - trust me. All of us at TBHP can only guide you in some direction (which we perceive to be the right one) or suggest alternatives, at the end of the day there is no right or wrong or best or worst - it is your journey to make and your choice to decide what all you want to do.

Originally Posted by ankurd View Post
- Isn't the SA roll bar anyway supposed to be connected to the Targa Band? Is there something to watch out here?
You will get a bracket that will connect it to the top part of the Targa Band, which is what I had done earlier. But since I later used that point for fixing the HT, so I connected the roll bar via custom made two brackets that attached to each B-pillar of the Targa band. Nothing to really watch out for, just get your Thar and figure it out as you go along one step at a time.

Looking forward to pictures of your Thar.
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Old 25th June 2013, 20:55   #242
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Originally Posted by manveet View Post
Again, all this is mentioned in full detail in this thread itself in one of the early pages. It includes all pictures, part nos., etc. Try finding it and let me know if you cannot as I also will have to go through the thread and find it.

Rajith has done a full fledged upgrade. Even if you do the basic upgrade in which they only change the booster (costs about 10K and is covered under warranty) you will be pretty much OK as a first step and later you can go in for changing vacuum pump, etc. like Rajith has done - in case you are not satisfied with the performance.

All I am trying to say is that first get your Thar and enjoy it as it is for a few thousand kms before going in for major modifications - you will be happier that way - trust me. All of us at TBHP can only guide you in some direction (which we perceive to be the right one) or suggest alternatives, at the end of the day there is no right or wrong or best or worst - it is your journey to make and your choice to decide what all you want to do.

I was at at the M&M Workshop in Delhi, i was told that now they are not changing the Brake Boosters under warranty. They say "mahindra feels that the brakes provided are the guaranteed and best in class, if the customer wants to change they have to pay".

Utter nonsense I must say.
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Old 25th June 2013, 21:54   #243
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Originally Posted by iMASKARAN View Post
I was at at the M&M Workshop in Delhi, i was told that now they are not changing the Brake Boosters under warranty. They say "mahindra feels that the brakes provided are the guaranteed and best in class, if the customer wants to change they have to pay".

Utter nonsense I must say.
and this is koncept mahindra?
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Old 26th June 2013, 09:34   #244
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Originally Posted by manveet View Post
and this is koncept mahindra?
Yes the Koncept Mahindra guys. Btw the Janiah Leaf Springs are really good. did you manage to pick up an inclinometer?
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Old 27th June 2013, 22:22   #245
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Originally Posted by iMASKARAN View Post

did you manage to pick up an inclinometer?
I picked a rugged ridge clinometer(3k). I also want to send a few snaps of my Thar and what I have done so far, will build a separate thread for my purchase and drive experience. With photos.

You might want to check the clinometer app on the iPhone as well, it's for 55 bucks. Check the apple store.

Ps. The Thar was delivered, in quite a nice timeframe (9 days) and am getting warmed up to thank each of you gracious people for all the advices given on various topics. Watch out for my ownership report soon!
(And a thousand apologies to Manveet, I didn't realize it then but checking your pics, the alloys I picked looks identical- and it wasn't planned. Loved what I saw at the store and picked it.)


Last edited by ankurd : 27th June 2013 at 22:23.
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Old 1st July 2013, 11:17   #246
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Originally Posted by ankurd View Post
I picked a rugged ridge clinometer(3k). I also want to send a few snaps of my Thar and what I have done so far, will build a separate thread for my purchase and drive experience. With photos.

You might want to check the clinometer app on the iPhone as well, it's for 55 bucks. Check the apple store.
Any pictures of the inclinometer? And where did you pick it up from?

Eagerly looking forward to your thread.

Whats the app called? Am on Android, not iOS.
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Old 1st July 2013, 11:23   #247
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Originally Posted by manveet View Post

Whats the app called? Am on Android, not iOS.
I use this one:


Neat app.

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Old 1st July 2013, 15:45   #248
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

On android you can download it it is called clinometer or android not inclinometer.
However note that the phone has to be perfectly still for it to work, better mounted on a stand / clamp and then the zero angles need to be reset.
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Old 20th July 2013, 18:28   #249
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Handbrake Issue

Ok, so setting the context in place with a previous post on this thread ..

Originally Posted by manveet View Post
Few updates basis yesterdays OTR and todays downpour ..
  • Hand-brake has gone free as if the cable has broken i.e. lever has no resistance to motion and obviously braking is non-existent.
and then the posts from other more popular and everyone's favorite Why-I-will-not-buy-Thar thread ..

Originally Posted by manveet View Post
Since my handbrake just stopped functioning one fine day last week, I had my trusted mechanic have a look at over the weekend who promptly traced down the cause to a broken handbrake cable. It's true that I have modified my Thar to a certain extent, but am quite sure I have not fiddled with anything that would impact the hand-brake cable.

Which brings us to the subject at hand, a Mahindra (esp. the Thar) is something you cannot just fill and forget.

To be honest, I pretty much expected these kind of issues arising on account of Mahindra manufacturing, but what I am yet to discover is their customer service orientation i.e. will they cover this FOC under warranty or not? My odometer reading is about 6700 kms in 8 months of ownership.
Originally Posted by headers View Post
Mahindra should / will cover this FOC - please chase your dealer. BTW, Mahindra manufacturing is world class, its just that the translation of WCM does not percolate down the chain
Originally Posted by lucifer1881 View Post
I don't understand why they should cover this under warranty. It is clearly stated that any kind of modifications may void warranty. All car owners know this at the point of sale. It is not a hidden term or in fine print. If you have modified your car then you are doing this at your own risk. The manufacturer is not liable to entertain your warranty claims. Whether the modification you made affects the said component or not is moot.

That said, my experience with Mahindra Service has always been superlative. Post warranty also, a lot of things they have done for free for sake of goodwill. I am sure if you have a good rapport with your service advisor, he will change the handbrake cable for free.
Originally Posted by vivekjayasheel View Post
Lucifer, how do Manveet's mods affect the life-span of a handbrake cable?
Originally Posted by lucifer1881 View Post
Please read this in my post:
Originally Posted by HarshD View Post
How does it not matter ?
For example, Let us say a owner modified his headlamps to 100 watts.
He had a gear box failure within the warranty period.
Why will this modification of headlights void his warranty with respect to the gearbox ?
Maybe if something went wrong with the guy's electricals then the argument could be plausible but again will be subject of a debate.
Please clarify.
Originally Posted by desertfox View Post
Well true but more often than not it is a general practice among Authorized service centres in India, any modifications done to the vehicle and they will take it as an excuse to nullify warranty claims.
Originally Posted by manveet View Post
Yes, this is correct. AFAIK, the any-modification-done-warranty-void-rule is applicable across the board to essentially protect their interest. But generally speaking, most companies are fair in exercising warranty claims so a headlamp change will not void gearbox warranty. This is specially significant in the case of the Mahindra Thar, which is almost always modified by the owner, though the extent may vary.

Unless the manufacturer just doesn't like to honor warranty as a practice and that attitude has percolated down the dealership, in which case they will simply point out your modification to avoid covering it under warranty

Which is precisely why I said I still need to figure out Mahindra's customer orientation.

Well, you just answered your first paragraph with your second paragraph i.e. goodwill. Hindustan mein gaadi or company'ian dono goodwill sey hi chalti hai.

Afterall, don't we all agree that the only reason the Thar is selling is because of the Jeep goodwill.
One fine day about 20 days ago, the hand-brake just snapped. Here is a picture from a few days after the incident ..

Fast forward to today, I took my Thar for its second free service - its about 9 months old and has done 70XX kms - mostly city driving, one highway trip to Jaipur and 3-4 basic level OTR's with softcore action.

Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold-handbrake-cable-1.jpg

The Service Advisor tells me no problem, we will replace it under warranty. I asked him why it happened - and he is like - could be because someone pulled the handbrake real hard, or it got entangled in something, etc. But he does say - not to worry Sir - its a simple thing that can be taken care of in warranty.

Frankly, I am quite impressed. But then we all know how it is when things are too good to be true ..

An hour or so later I get a call from him saying that Mr. Anil Sharma (yes, the same famous Mr. Sharma who has done all the brake booster upgrades) is saying that it will not be covered under warranty as my Thar is "modified" and that I should speak to him else nothing can be done.

So I give Mr. Anil Sharma (A.S.) a call, and this is what our conversation is like ..

* A.S. : Hand-brake cable replacement cannot be covered under warranty as your Thar is modified with alloy wheels and bigger tires. (Note: my tires are Yoko AT Geolanders well within the 3% variation in OD range).
* Myself : How does that impact the hand-brake cable?
* A.S. : The alloy wheels and tires are much heavier.
* Myself : You mean to say that alloy wheels are "heavier" that the stock steel wheels.
* A.S. : .... Hmmmm ... Mmmmm ... Ummmm ..
Myself : But what about when the dealership sells the Thar with Alloys installed.
* A.S. : But those are genuine Scorpio alloys!

Anyhow, net net he told me that he will take a photograph and email it to Mahindra warranty folks and will action according to what they advise. He has no problem with the whole issue as part has to be replaced by Mahindra and why should he lose a customer, etc. etc. Ya right!

After some arguments with him, and then some self-deliberation I have asked him to keep the Thar with him until he hears back from Mahindra. Anyways it is a huge safety risk without the handbrake. This is because after changing the brake-booster, the vacuum pump is not able to service the bigger boosters efficiently, so every time one is about to start the ignition of the parked Thar and move from gear to neutral, he or she realizes that the brake is invariably always jammed and has to be very very careful. Earlier with the handbrake working it was all OK because one used to always start on neutral before lowering the handbrake.

Anyhow, its now wait and watch to see what Koncept Mahindra has to say about the Rs. 1500/- handbrake cable replacement.

Offtopic Note for those familiar with Koncept Mahindra in Noida: Anil Sharma used to report to Atish who in turn reported to Tribhuwan (GM). As on date, both Atish and Tribhuwan are no longer with Koncept so am not so sure of the escalation matrix. There is a new chap instead of Atish but Tribhuwans replacement is yet to be hired.

Last edited by manveet : 20th July 2013 at 18:40.
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Old 22nd July 2013, 13:20   #250
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Back and forth, back and forth, I guess better shell out the Rs. 1500 and save your time.
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Old 23rd July 2013, 10:14   #251
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Re: Handbrake Issue

Originally Posted by manveet View Post
Ok, so setting the context in place with a previous post on this thread ..
and then the posts from other more popular and everyone's favorite Why-I-will-not-buy-Thar thread .
It is quite a conundrum, isn't it ?
If you modify a vehicle for offroading, which was built on the concept of 'hating tar' you get denied warranty.
I fail to see how the offroading tyres and alloy wheels are connected to hand brake failure. Does the Thar come with H/T tyres ??

Last edited by mobike008 : 23rd July 2013 at 13:15. Reason: Please dont quote large post for a short reply. Next time infraction
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Old 23rd July 2013, 10:27   #252
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Yes OE is the Bridgestone 235/70/R16 H/T tyre mostly, the same as Scorpio. But in some markets it could differ.
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Old 23rd July 2013, 11:35   #253
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

Originally Posted by desertfox View Post
Yes OE is the Bridgestone 235/70/R16 H/T tyre mostly, the same as Scorpio. But in some markets it could differ.
While the Xylo gets fitted with an A/T tyre from Maxxis
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Old 23rd July 2013, 12:37   #254
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re: Never thought I'd buy a Mahindra Thar! My Jeep Story. EDIT: Now sold

My Xylo came with the Bridgestone 693 tread II A/T 215/75/R15 ( Non alloy wheel )

But the tread of these tyres are more of a highway drive type not really A/T tread. WOnder why Bridgestone name it A/T in truth it is a small softroader tyre for a Nissan Terrano II or some small wonder called Freelander 2 or Terios, Feroza, or RAV 4 etc.
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Old 23rd July 2013, 13:30   #255
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Re: Handbrake Issue

Originally Posted by desertfox View Post
Back and forth, back and forth, I guess better shell out the Rs. 1500 and save your time.
Originally Posted by HarshD View Post
It is quite a conundrum, isn't it ?
If you modify a vehicle for offroading, which was built on the concept of 'hating tar' you get denied warranty.
I fail to see how the offroading tyres and alloy wheels are connected to hand brake failure. Does the Thar come with H/T tyres ??
Just to update you guys, received my Thar today with the handbrake cable replaced in warranty.

A few more updates are pending, will try to do that over the weekend.

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