The Palar Challenge was a learning experience for me, never have seen so much sand and quite a variation of it too.
As for the event, "Never judge a Book by its cover" The simple machines and the simple terrain as what I saw in the web, the reality is far from it. The MM540 has some serious low ratio and grunt, and the Gypsy I have found new respect for it.
The Stage required every bit of experience that was under my belt and if I did not make it I knew that I would be caught with my pants down, especially venturing out without a winch in my team.
Normally I am used to a much heavier vehicle and 3 times the horse power of a Gypsy, hence all the tricks in my arsenal had to come out. This will remain as a special event in my books.
I could identify 4 special stages that were world class. Arka, you are a good plotter, you set the stages up very nicely, technical but within a band of safety, one of the down hill made my stomach very queezy. You read the terrain and the competitors well, I am sure you will have some surprises for me next year.
The concept of the event was brilliant, and Major Roy your operation is flawless, except I will bring you a Radio alarm to replace your whistle.
The True Winners of this event is the organizers, who stood out from dawn till dusk till every man was accounted for. You did this for our fun. Thank you.
I thank Zubin and his determined team of Kerela boys for bringing the gypsy over, and thank you Basker for teaming up with us. Last but not least, I thank Sanjay David, who made me feel that I never left home.
Last edited by khan_sultan : 21st August 2009 at 15:47.