
Surprise! 2-wheelers use 61% of petrol, cars only 34%

According to a survey conducted for the Government of India by M/s. Nielsen (India) Pvt. Ltd., 99.6% of the total petrol consumed in India is used by the transport sector. The survey also indicates that largest consumers of petrol in India are two-wheelers. Cars come in a distant second place.

The result of the survey shows that two-wheelers account for 61.42% of the country’s total petrol consumption of 16 million tonnes. In the states of Odisha (82.3%), Bihar (75.2%) and Rajasthan (72.9%), two-wheelers account for more than 70% of the total petrol sold.

Cars and three-wheelers account for 34.33% and 2.34%of the country’s total petrol consumption respectively. Most three-wheelers have switched to CNG or diesel, since that proves cost-effective.

Petrol has been deregulated by the Government, which has caused its price to shoot up drastically in comparison to diesel, which is still regulated. Most two-wheelers in India are bought by the rural users or people who are looking for a convenient and cost-effective means of transport. If the Government continues to let the price of petrol keep climbing, it will not be long before many Indians find it difficult to afford running a personal vehicle.


Image courtesy: Wikimedia

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