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Old 16th September 2012, 21:39   #1
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Gear not slotting in Swift

I travelled around 350 Kms today in my Swift VXi run 44000 kms approx. After reaching Chennai from Bangalore i parked my car outside the apartment. After an hour when i started the car to park it inside, i was not able to slot into any gear. The gear lever felt like it was a joystick, with no feel of the slots, it is like i can move the gear lever in any direction. After fighting 2-3 mins, i could somehow slot into reverse and the car moved, But when i tried to put in 1st again i got the same feel.

I have put in a new clutch around 8000 kms back from Bimal bangalore.

What maybe the reason
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Old 17th September 2012, 02:41   #2
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

If it's a linkage type shifter, check the shift linkage.
If it's a cable type shifter, check the cable.

The shifter has nothing to do with the clutch.
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Old 17th September 2012, 09:25   #3
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

^^ +1.

IIRC the Swift has a cable type shifter. Please check. May not be an expensive repair.
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Old 17th September 2012, 10:09   #4
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Its a cable type shifter. I had faced the same problem(same car) a couple of months back. Gears wouldn't slot in. They would slot only if let in the clutch a bit and tried to slot in the lever at the same time, sometimes resulting in grinding.

Before checking the cable however, check if the problem goes away by lubricating the ball joint at the base of the gear lever. That had solved the problem for me temporarily.

From my experience, it's nothing major but aligning the cable properly so that all the gears slot in will take time. Took a complete day in my case. Plus I had to stay there to test the lever after every correction they made.
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Old 17th September 2012, 10:16   #5
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Check the cable at the gear box end, if it has snapped gears will not engage. Since you mentioned that the gear slotted in reverse means clutch should be fine.
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Old 17th September 2012, 13:39   #6
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Thanks everyone for giving the probable reasons and the solution.
This is the update as of today morning. I planned to go to office in Auto, since i had to join today (had a week long leave). However, i thought lets give the gear another try.
When i sat in the car, the gears slotted as usual as if nothing has happened. I gathered some confidence and tried to take the car outside the apartment and it worked. I decided to take a chance and go to office in the car, since it is just around 2kms from my apartment. The car was running normal.
After entering the office building, went to the basement (one level down) and stopped to reverse and park between 2 cars, again same problem. The gears wont work. Pushed the car into place with the help of a not-so-intersted-in-helping security guard. I do not understand how gears, shifters and cable work, but don't understand how the problem comes and goes. If a cable is snapped, it would stop working.
Now i have a non-dependable car. I will take it to a MASS tomorrow morning and check. Hope it works in the evening and they dont have to tow it. Will report back.
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Old 18th September 2012, 19:53   #7
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

I faced a similar problem in my Corsa. However, it was limited only to the 5th gear. The gear slotted when the car was used the first time in the day but as it continued running, the 5th gear didn't come on. Taking a wild guess but could this be because of some friction leading to heating up, loose contract with the bearings in the gear linkage assembly? (Coincidently this problem cropped up a few months after the replacement of the clutch assembly.)
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Old 18th September 2012, 21:00   #8
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Originally Posted by hyper-VTEC View Post
Now i have a non-dependable car. I will take it to a MASS tomorrow morning and check. Hope it works in the evening and they dont have to tow it. Will report back.
I think you may have worn out synchronizer rings that's why the forward gears are not engaging while the reverse gear is engaging . Hope it gets sorted out fast , look fwd to your update
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Old 19th September 2012, 01:37   #9
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Am also facing the same issue but only with the second gear. Its just not ready to engage if the speed is above 20KM and MASS told that this is due to synchroniser problem and would cost aroung 8K.

As it is am the only person using the car and hence decide to ignore it for the time being. Am almost touching 96K and facing this issue since the last one year and done almost 15K with this issue.

Will this be a problem later?
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Old 19th September 2012, 06:14   #10
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Originally Posted by vdi View Post
Am also facing the same issue but only with the second gear. Its just not ready to engage if the speed is above 20KM and MASS told that this is due to synchroniser problem and would cost aroung 8K.

As it is am the only person using the car and hence decide to ignore it for the time being. Am almost touching 96K and facing this issue since the last one year and done almost 15K with this issue.

Will this be a problem later?
Your synchronizer is gone. Expect a 10-12k bill, depending on which ones are affected. I just went through that myself

Do bear in mind that any repairs at MASS DO NOT CARRY warranty - that is entirely Maruti's customer-friendly policy. If you raise a mini-ruckus like me, they will go hammer and tongs on the dealer, but they are holier-than-thou on their quality. They think that their products (esp SGP) don't need warranty!!

Originally Posted by hyper-VTEC View Post
After entering the office building, went to the basement (one level down) and stopped to reverse and park between 2 cars, again same problem. The gears wont work. Pushed the car into place with the help of a not-so-intersted-in-helping security guard. I do not understand how gears, shifters and cable work, but don't understand how the problem comes and goes. If a cable is snapped, it would stop working.
Now i have a non-dependable car. I will take it to a MASS tomorrow morning and check. Hope it works in the evening and they dont have to tow it. Will report back.
Yaar, your problem is NOT the synchronizer but a five min grease monkey job - the cable linkage is by a bunch of rubber gaskets / rings (donno the exact word). My helpful Apra (MASS) GM had guided me on reattaching the rubber gasket which can slip off after many years. a new one is like 200 odd rupees incl labor. HOPE that is the issue in your case.

If your MASS is not helpful, bring a FNG greasemonkey who will get it working in 2 min flat.

The key difference vis-a-vis the synchronizer is that in neutral / engine-off the gears will engage perfectly (because synchronization is NOT required at rest). The moment you are driving at speed (like vdi above said), the gears will not engage - as if it is not present. The 2nd gear is a known devil.
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Old 19th September 2012, 14:12   #11
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Thank you everyone for your inputs. I have not been able to go to MASS, since being very busy with client visits and deliveries. Why i chose IT <sigh>

Tomorrow being a bandh, it means the earliest i can visit a MASS is Friday. I will ask them to check cable, cable linkage rubber gasket, ball joint as suggested by all of you. Hopefully it would be an inexpensive fix. keeping fingers crossed.

BTW, the car is running as usual, since i am using it (3-4 kms from apartment to office and back), but i can surely feel the gear shifting is notchy and not correct. Clutch seems okay, since the pick-up and everything is normal and smooth.

Originally Posted by souravc View Post
I think you may have worn out synchronizer rings that's why the forward gears are not engaging while the reverse gear is engaging . Hope it gets sorted out fast , look fwd to your update
I just hope it is not the synchronizer, since i am able to drive the car and forward gears are engaging.

Last edited by hyper-VTEC : 19th September 2012 at 14:16.
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Old 19th September 2012, 14:30   #12
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Originally Posted by hyper-VTEC View Post
After an hour when i started the car to park it inside, i was not able to slot into any gear. The gear lever felt like it was a joystick, with no feel of the slots, it is like i can move the gear lever in any direction. After fighting 2-3 mins, i could somehow slot into reverse and the car moved, But when i tried to put in 1st again i got the same feel.
When i sat in the car, the gears slotted as usual as if nothing has happened. I gathered some confidence and tried to take the car outside the apartment and it worked.
Originally Posted by hyper-VTEC View Post
BTW, the car is running as usual, since i am using it (3-4 kms from apartment to office and back), but i can surely feel the gear shifting is notchy and not correct. Clutch seems okay, since the pick-up and everything is normal and smooth.
How come the defect got almost rectified? On its own?

Last edited by rajeev k : 19th September 2012 at 14:31.
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Old 26th September 2012, 17:18   #13
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Sorry folks. Could not update this. I couldn't give the car for checking till today as i was traveling.

Went to Khivraj Motors, OMR, Chennai. Explained the problem. The SA Mr. Jagdish seemed to understand the problem and said he would be able to fix this. However, he mentioned if it ever happens again, he may have to open the gearbox to investigate.

The charged me for bush and bush repairing, Charges mentioned below. I could not test drive the car, beacuse they dropped it in my office and i had an important meeting to go to. Will drive couple of kms tomorrow and day after and report back. I will drive to Bangalore on Friday.

Parts Bush Select Cable (2 nos). Rs35
Labor Gear Shift Control Cable B.Side R&R 185.00
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Old 26th February 2017, 01:32   #14
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Bumping up an old thread. Car in question is a 2008 Swift DeZire Zxi.
Has run around 38,000 kms till date. Was at Aarey Colony for a shoot drove there in the morning, in the evening I got done and drove back to my friends place at Malad. Now once I left, the car would not slot in the first 2 gears. The is just no left side gear movement. Only up and down that's the third and fourth that felt like my third was now my first and the fourth was now my second gear. Cannot even engage my reverse gear. Called the FNG he picked the call at 1:00 AM!
Said it is not an issue just some cables, not a problem, left the car there. He also told me to drive it on third gear home but I won't take that chance. Hope it's the cable and not some transmission related expensive issue!
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Old 26th February 2017, 07:21   #15
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Re: Gear not slotting in Swift

Originally Posted by GranvilleDsouza View Post
Said it is not an issue just some cables, not a problem, left the car there. He also told me to drive it on third gear home but I won't take that chance. Hope it's the cable and not some transmission related expensive issue!
Going by your statement it should be the issue with Selector cable. If you are interested and the car is untouched by the mechanic, open the hood and check the gearbox area for selector cable mechanism to understand what went wrong.
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