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Old 21st March 2010, 15:09   #1
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Landcruiser Prado Diesel yr 2000 model - Is it worth buying ?

There is a Toyota landcruiser prado for sale. Th following are the details of the car :

Model Year - 2000

Fuel - Diesel

Kms done - about 1,60,000

Automatic Transmission

The car is in a decent condition and is being sold by a corporate. The car needs some work as the interiors look a bit dirty. The rear windscreen is also broken and needs replacement. The tyres are in a ok condition and can last for 5000-10000 kms more i guess. I could not start the car and check as the battery was discharged.

Is it worth buying the car. I have the following queries :

1) The car has already done about 1,60,000 kms. How much can more can the engine sustain ?

2) What is the availability of spares and cost of spares ?

3) How much would be the regular service charges ?

4) How much money could be paid to acquire the car ?

I am also attaching some pictures of the car.
Attached Thumbnails
Landcruiser Prado Diesel yr 2000 model - Is it worth buying ?-dsc00217.jpg  

Landcruiser Prado Diesel yr 2000 model - Is it worth buying ?-dsc00216-copy.jpg  

Landcruiser Prado Diesel yr 2000 model - Is it worth buying ?-dsc00215.jpg  

Landcruiser Prado Diesel yr 2000 model - Is it worth buying ?-dsc00220.jpg  

Landcruiser Prado Diesel yr 2000 model - Is it worth buying ?-dsc00219.jpg is offline  
Old 21st March 2010, 22:06   #2
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Hey Kamal, hope you were able to dispose off the X-Trail you picked last month. And what happened to the Patrol you had finalized?
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Old 21st March 2010, 22:16   #3
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Originally Posted by AlokSriva View Post
Hey Kamal, hope you were able to dispose off the X-Trail you picked last month. And what happened to the Patrol you had finalized?

Yes, The X-trail is sold but i could not get the patrol.

I did some more googling and found out more information about the prado. This looks like pre July 2000 model with the 1KZ-TE engine.

Experts : i am waiting for the response as i have to get back to the seller by Tuesday. is offline  
Old 22nd March 2010, 14:26   #4
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What's the asking price? If the Prado has been maintained well, it has atleast another 1.5 lakh kms of life in her. However, there is a difference between retaining your own car with 1.5 lakh kms on the odo, and buying someone elses. Primary difference being, as the owner of the car, you'd know exactly how those 1.5 lakhs have been logged.

I'd recommend you to give this car a miss. And instead, screen the market for a newer / less run example of the Prado, Landcruiser, Pajero and Montero.
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Old 22nd March 2010, 16:43   #5
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Hi GTO, The car is being sold in an open bid. There is no starting price. What if i quote a very low price and get the car and then get it restored ? Are the spares expensive ? Are these readily available in India. is offline  
Old 23rd March 2010, 10:52   #6
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How low? You will be outbid by a used car dealer who, in all probability, will clock back the Prado to 65,000 kms and sell it off to an unsuspecting buyer. Think about it : You'll bid for the Prado keeping 1.5 lakh kms in mind; the used car dealer will bid considering the resale price of a 65K example!

Last edited by GTO : 23rd March 2010 at 19:58.
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