Where can you buy roasted coffee beans?
Well, if you're from the south, you can buy them from any shop that sells spices and pepper and such. Coffee is a common consumable in the south, they drink "Filter Kaapi" and not this instant crap.
A great source of knowledge on this topic is The India Coffee Board, belonging to the government of India
In fact you can study about different types of coffees available in India here
. : Coffee Board of India - Specialty Coffee : .
I am very lucky. I am able to buy roasted coffee beans from the COffee Board itself located right next to my office.
Coffee Board,
No 395 B&C, Lamington Road,
Mumbai -400 004
Phone : 022-23821549
People from Delhi can buy it from
Coffee Board, No 13/2,
Jamnagar House Complex,
Shahjahan Road
India Gate, New Delhi- 110 011.
Phone : 011-23073139(Off)
And Kolkata
Coffee Board,
5, Meredith Street,
Kolkata -700 072
Phone : 33-22375649
Alternatively you can find an India Coffee House and they will sell this to you as well.
Please note that these places also sell coffee powder. I find the coffee board powder to be too fine and don't like using it. Ask and insisit that they sell you roasted beans by the kilo.
People in Bangalore have Kalmane Coffee (I usually visit their shop at Forum) and many other options. In fact to be honest, most people from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka will wonder what the whole fuss is about. Coffee beans are available freely.
If you can find some roasted coffee beans in your area, please do share the location on this thread.
Remember, the trick is to buy
roasted coffee beans. You will never be able to roast them the right way at home.
Of course if you've kept them too long and you suspect that they've gone soggy, it's perfectly fine to roast them for a while on a hot tava and let them dry before you crush it in the mixer. But that's why I buy only a kilo at a time and store it in an airtight container.
Sure, you can save yourself the trouble and just buy some coffee crushed powder instead. But as they say in India,
usme woh baat nahi hai, jo freshly ground powder mein hai.
When you will crush a roasted coffee bean and watch it explode with flavour, and then make coffee with that - you will have changed. usually I enjoy this for about a week or so. So don't think you need to grind the coffee every morning. Do it a few times a month, buss.But of course, if you can't find anything else, the next time, just buy a packet or box of "Dark Forest" coffee from CCD. That's the best place to start.