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View Poll Results: what kind of job u do?
Conventional 67 67.00%
Unconventional 35 35.00%
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Old 18th May 2005, 17:27   #1
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Your Job: Have you lived your dream?

i always wondered what would i have been if i wasnt business person?

may be i would have been a teacher or a professional dancer or a consultant.

but when i look back, i feel i have lived my dream, i always wanted to join my father's business and though i did not study to become a rubber tecnhologist or an engineer, i did join him and under his guidance am training myself ( i call it training even after working with him for last 9 years) to become a succesful entrepreneur.

my question to all the bhpians is have u lived ur dream.

the poll question is a bit different but relevant. what kind of work u do? Is it the conventional work like being a doctor, engineer, software personnel, teacher and other conventional jobs or unconventional jobs like being event manager or a bpo manager or a designer of gadgets ( cars included) and whatever unconventional u can think of.

come up with true answers and u might just want to do what u dreamed of.


Last edited by manaa45 : 18th May 2005 at 17:30.
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Old 18th May 2005, 17:40   #2
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Unconventional here. Trained to be an accountant and realised pretty fast that I wasnt cut out for the job (with my mental frame).

Today I do something pretty unconventional in the sense that its a niche area that very few people venture into. It is not something that I planned for, but is an opportunity that presented itself in a peculiar mix of circumstances.

At the moment, I am enjoying it. However, when I'm done with working abroad I would like to open my own garage and get my hands greasy...THEN I would live my dream

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Old 18th May 2005, 20:19   #3
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Unconventional here too. I'm a comp sc engg but working in a BPO in Knowledge Management/Sales Support. Although still in the IT field, I did not get into coding like everyone else I know did.

Well as far as living my dream is concerned...yet to realize what it really is.....

When I completed my 10th....I wanted to join the defence forces...parents didn't allow.....

then when I completed 12th....I wanted to get into automobile or aeronautical engg...again parents didn't allow...everyone was dying to get into comp sc and there I was....

finally after engg...joined a hardware sales job ....then moved on to Software sales....then to international sales...then to what I am today.... still searching for the elusive dream can be in IT or probably in Automobiles or Electronics (My interest areas). Hopefully will do that in the next 5 yrs.....

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Old 18th May 2005, 20:42   #4
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Well.. i have always wanted to do something IT related. Been coding and stuff from the 5th standard. Always wanted to be a software developer.
Now that i have actually started working, I realise that i absolutely HATE it.
My dream seems to have metamorphosed into something out of my worst nightmares.
Am i destined to a life of drudgery? I really need to find something else to do right now
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Old 18th May 2005, 21:01   #5
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I am a mechanical engineer. Very much into automobiles. Started coding when i was in 3rd standard on a spectrum machine - was doing addition and multiplication programs in basic.

I am now working as a software engineer - testing and maintaining tele communications systems. Was into textiles from a early age. Planning to do MBA and get back to textiles business.

Have tried my hand in ventures like cold storage, foundries and jig design shop.

Now someone beat that!
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Old 18th May 2005, 21:02   #6
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Yet another software engg here, started coding around 7th standard.

But still unconventional... heard of bios?? Which executes for few seconds before OS boots... yup i code bios... its not a conventional software... its also not a hardware... its a wierdo.

As a kid, just like any other kid, wanted to become a fighter jet pilot and it never worked. If not this, at the least could have been a mechanical engg. Photography??? third in line may be...

Looks like will be a SE for rest of this life. A real night mare...
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Old 18th May 2005, 23:04   #7
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Id put myself into the unconventional category. Always always always been into cars, practically grew up in my dads workshop (he is an automobile engineer too). Had this fascination for making my own cars since i was a kid, sketching around in the back of notebooks, to an extent i drove a honda concept car on the centrespread of my IIT entrance exam paper and came out hehe! Went on to major in Automotive Technology from Western Michgan University. Back in delhi now and practically living my dream of making my own cars.


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Old 19th May 2005, 00:14   #8
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Ok, I voted for unconventional eventhough I am in software development. Wonder why? Here goes...

I hadn't touched a computer until I was 20 years old. The year was 1989, one day I was waiting in Shivajinagar bus stand for route 330 bus. A friend passed by and he dragged me along as he was planning to check out one computer training center. I was a final E&C student and he was a final year student. The class he wanted to join was for learning C and I didn't know how to switch on a computer. On some whim I too joined up, for company sake. Two months later, my friend had dropped out and I had aced the class. I had found my calling.

After graduation I didn't want to persue E&C but only programming. Those days software guys made less money than mechanical or civil engineers, so it was surely not the money factor. After some intense struggle I joined a small software company where work was great but didn't get paid for nearly a year. Armed with that experience I joined the largest software company in India, went abroad few times, work sucked big time like any big company. Once I understood what rat race is all about, I didn't want to do it anymore. I hadn't joined software industry to become a paper pusher or bean counter.

So, I quit and joined a 1000 times smaller middleware product company in USA. Having fun ever since. I have played every role in this company from V.P, director, architect, developer, system/network admin, doorman, plumber, carpenter, etc, etc. Last year I moved back and opened the Indian branch. Still doing the same, in fact I went even further. I hired a bunch of fresh engineers and have spoilt them to the hilt by teaching them to have fun with coding. They are going to find it very difficult as they move on to other companies...
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Old 19th May 2005, 15:56   #9
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I voted conventional because software engineers were asked to vote conventional, but I can say my job is very unconventional. I design small to medium size applications for my client.
I am also not trained to do the coding. I was thrown in Mechanical though always I always wanted to do something that is creative and innovative...I wanted to do Engineering in Architecture. When in 3rd year in Engineering, my Dad bought a 486 PC for his clinic. And thats when I knew what way I am going to go. I was always pulled to Business applications. Before I completed my engineering, I built a small application for my Dad which he used for couple of years. And I got a Titan watch as my payment.
Now, I am in to my third job and is not being allowed to code anymore. They want me to do project management. But I am not ready to get in to that boring seat so early in my career. Everytime I wanted to leave this company I am given an hike and retained. But now this thing has really grown up over me. It's been more than an year since I have done any serious coding. Anybody requires a programmer, a candidate is available.

Did I leave my dream? Neah, very far from it. It's going to be when i design a big ERP application for a huge multi-national organization.
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Old 19th May 2005, 16:00   #10
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Strange! Its my dream to develop a ERP application too. It will be for our company (garment exports) infact i started out with it but then realised that I didnt know the relevant technologies. So now me back to studying again. I have learnt mainframes, oracle and unix so far. Starting with java next week.
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Old 19th May 2005, 17:36   #11
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job ?

unemployed engineer ... so i guess conventional
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Old 19th May 2005, 18:06   #12
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With a Skoda RS, I guess all of us could do with unemployment

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Old 19th May 2005, 19:04   #13
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Wow, with the number of people from the IT field around here, i don't think TB is ever gonna have crashes eh!

On a personal note, i just started my life working. Completed my MBA and currently working with a leading pink newspaper in the country. I handle a few promotions and events for them. Armed with some experience, i think i am ready to branch out elsewhere. Hopefully planning to make in-roads into the Auto industry.

Can never see myself doing anything conventional. Hope i stay true to this word.

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Old 19th May 2005, 20:06   #14
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Way too conventional. Started out as a dream, turned out to be a bloody nightmare. Somebody wake me up!! Am going to have to a drink a lot of coffee to keep out of this one. Ohhh wait, coffee doesn't work anymore. Now, where did I stash my pack of Milds?

Sorry, just ranting, I hate MU. Period.

P.S.: This is my " 928 " post!! Somebody take a screenshot! Ohh crap, I missed my 911th post. Darn...

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Old 19th May 2005, 20:30   #15
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Im actually going to have to chose between my dream and somthing a bit more practical in a few design vs BBA ............though i loooove business too


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