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Old 24th July 2009, 17:43   #1
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3M Paint Protection V/s Waxoyl V/s Dupont Teflon V/s Jewel Ultra Diamond Brite

The Moot question in each of our minds is which paint protection is Good, which gives the maximum shine, is it a Must Have or a Good to Have product, which is VFM so forth and so on.

here i will attempt to describe in brief each of these four products listed above:

3M - uses a 3 step technique wherein a mild abrasive is used to clean and polish the surface, then a synthetic resin is used to perapre the surface and lastly the glaze is used to shine the surface. IMHO and as per the information given to me by Paint specialists, results in cutting of the clear coat by about 5-7 microns. factory finished clear coat surfaces are normally about 40-50 microns and the mild fine liquid rubbing compound cuts off a bit of this clear coat which IMHO isnt very desirable. secondly helpless against Bird droppings. had done 3M coating on my sx4 and a bird dropping resulted in a cracked up kind of surface on the clear coat. this is a Good to have product

Waxoyl - Again a 3 Step application albeit a Much better technique wherein a synthetic resin is applied to the paint to prepare the surface, a gloss resin is applied to shine the surface and finally a 100 Plus polymer paint sealant is applied to seal the surface. by experience i have observed that the shine lasts upto 2-3 years and provides effective protection against bird droppings which are corrosive in Nature and leave a cracked looking surface on the paint. However the bird droppings need to be washed off the surface within 6-8 Hours for good results. water keeps beading on the surface even after 24 months of application and in my Humble opinion this is a must have product

Dupont teflon - a Single step system wherein the vehicle is cleaned and then the teflon applied to the surface, let to dry to a haze and then shined with an orbital Polisher. very difficult to get genuine Dupont teflon and most of the time dealerships and detailers use either 3M liquid wax or any other automotive wax and say its teflon Genuine Dupont teflon comes in small bottles of 50-100 Ml each for a specific application and costs about 1045/- or so. if someone tells you that he will do a teflon coating demand to see the packaging of the product. in fact a few years ago when my friend did teflon coating for his scorpio, little did he know that the dealer would spray an additional coat of clear coat on his car and call it teflon!

Jewel Ultra Diamond Brite - Techinical specifications of this product look impressive and on par with waxoyl. the only hitch is that it is available only in Chennai as of now!
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Old 24th July 2009, 21:07   #2
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Sunilrj, thanks for the information but I'm still unable to decide the best amongst all. I'm a layman in these terms and Delhi has Continental type of Climate (Extreme Summers and Extreme Winters), considering this which is the best solution?

By the way, 3M damaging paint coat sounds scary.

Last edited by tsk13 : 24th July 2009 at 21:08.
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Old 24th July 2009, 21:13   #3
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Originally Posted by tsk13 View Post
Sunilrj, thanks for the information but I'm still unable to decide the best amongst all. I'm a layman in these terms and Delhi has Continental type of Climate (Extreme Summers and Extreme Winters), considering this which is the best solution?

By the way, 3M damaging paint coat sounds scary.
After market 'coats' are a con game. Take it from me...ripped off twice over for a total of Rs 10K. Learnt the hard way. Dont waste your money.

Wash and wax your car regularly and use a premium car shampoo + wax like Turtle Wax or Meguiars (my fav) and your paint will shine and remain that way for at least 2-3 months.

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Old 24th July 2009, 21:22   #4
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3M using abrasion polishing compound is no doubt scary but doesnt affect the clear coat Much as just about 5-7 microns of the 50 microns get scraped off.. however in the long run repeated applications may ersult in depletion of the clear coat. waxoyl is best recommended by me!

as regards con jobs.. have been using waxoyl for all my cars except Sx4 which was done by 3M. the shine and gloss remains upto 24 months when waxoyl has been used and tar, grime, dirt can be hosed off easily. make sure genuine products are used. even swirl marks are minimised when waxoyl is used as the 100 plus product that is used is a polymer sealant. wish i cud show it in the form of a diagram
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Old 25th July 2009, 01:31   #5
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great write up!

" waxoyl " any brands associated with this ? where can i get it done in delhi/ncr? and what about the respective costs?
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Old 25th July 2009, 07:42   #6
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Originally Posted by aZa View Post
great write up!

" waxoyl " any brands associated with this ? where can i get it done in delhi/ncr? and what about the respective costs?

Waxoyl has a national distributor based in Pune. also most of the Auto companies have tied up with either waxoyl / 3M for paint protection. here is the India Website: Opulent

and this is from the Waxoyl Site : The name Waxoyl stands for more than 50 years of experience in the battle against corrosion and weather damage. Trusted by specialists the world over: car manufacturers, railway contractors, ship builders and construction machinery producers among others. Waxoyl AG, Switzerland, has patented breakthrough technologies in car care and corrosion protection, and has been the most respected company in over 100 countries around the world
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Old 25th July 2009, 09:29   #7
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Originally Posted by Sunilrj View Post
as regards con jobs.. have been using waxoyl for all my cars except Sx4 which was done by 3M. the shine and gloss remains upto 24 months when waxoyl has been used and tar, grime, dirt can be hosed off easily. make sure genuine products are used. even swirl marks are minimised when waxoyl is used as the 100 plus product that is used is a polymer sealant. wish i cud show it in the form of a diagram
Glad to see you had a good experience with these after market coatings. My bro had his Safari coated with Waxoyl in 2002 and we did find it better than the others. But the coating lasted for just about 4-5 months before wearing off.

As for me I stay far away from them preferring a wax/polish instead of coatings.

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Old 25th July 2009, 09:33   #8
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Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
Glad to see you had a good experience with these after market coatings. My bro had his Safari coated with Waxoyl in 2002 and we did find it better than the others. But the coating lasted for just about 4-5 months before wearing off.

As for me I stay far away from them preferring a wax/polish instead of coatings.

once waxoyl treatment has been done, the car shouldnt be washed with shampoos or even wiped hard for a week till the polymer bonds fully. after that regular washes will not damage the coating. however use of certain chemicals, paint thinners, kerosene and petrol, and silicon glazes can actually deplete the polymer coat with is about 5 microns thick
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Old 25th July 2009, 10:50   #9
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Isn't this one of the "not recommended" to-do in Team-BHP? Or did I get something wrong- remember reading so somewhere...
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Old 25th July 2009, 10:55   #10
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Yes it is in the not recommended list of T-bhp
Here is the link

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Old 25th July 2009, 11:21   #11
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Originally Posted by DjNik View Post
As I said, it's a waste of money. More often than not they scrape off the clearcoat leaving the paint vulnerable. My experiences tell me to stay far away.

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Old 25th July 2009, 11:23   #12
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Originally Posted by Sunilrj View Post
once waxoyl treatment has been done, the car shouldnt be washed with shampoos or even wiped hard for a week till the polymer bonds fully. after that regular washes will not damage the coating. however use of certain chemicals, paint thinners, kerosene and petrol, and silicon glazes can actually deplete the polymer coat with is about 5 microns thick
Yes, we did take care of it and went by the dealer's advice which was followed to the 'T'. My 1st experience with this stuff goes back 9 years to July 2000.

As pointed out by others these coatings are among the 'not recommended' options for new car owners.

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Old 25th July 2009, 11:27   #13
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Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
As for me I stay far away from them preferring a wax/polish instead of coatings.
+1 to this. I prefer using a good quality wax to keep the glossy wet look sheen on my cars. Usually wax them twice a month, so the gloss is unparalled.

Also, agree that these 'coatings' are a waste of money and you are better of spending half that amount on some good waxes and ploishes that will keep your vehicle gleaming for a much longer duration.

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Old 25th July 2009, 11:29   #14
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Another Good product for DIY waxing is Fusso Coat 7 manufactured by Soft99. this is a polymer based polish. their wax based polish kept me saying Wow everytime i used it!
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Old 25th July 2009, 21:20   #15
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Thanks Sunilrj, R2D2 and fellow members. I got some coating done from HMP, Delhi and my experience with scratches has been positive. They either come off easily using rubbing compound or are not that visible.
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