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View Poll Results: which is better?
Ritz DDiS 65 20.50%
Punto MJD 252 79.50%
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:15   #1
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Th MultiJet Blitzkreig : Suzuki Ritz VS Fiat Punto

The era of the new generation multijets has begun.This specific engine has been termed as our national engine just because of the number of cars in which it has been used.
The multijets of yesterday and today are essentially the same except that the latters are specified for BS4 where as the formers were BS3.
The BS3 engine in the swift and dzire was a blockbuster and still there is waiting period in some areas.
After the swift came the indica vista and the palio MJD which made good use of this engine as well.

According to BS4 norms this engine was slightly modified so as to allow more of exhaust gases to re circulate so as to reduce emmissions.
Recent cars to use this slightly modified engine are the ritz and the punto.

I have done a test drives of both the cars and thought of having a detailed comparison amongst the two and also a poll.

I feel that the punto is much much better looking than the ritz.Those sleek italian lines are just boutious.
space wise both seem to be similar except that front leg room is slightly more in the punto.
cabin is better in the ritz and is well utilised too.
Front seats are equally comfortable in both.rear seat comfort is a bit compromised in both..
boot is huge in the punto.

the engine doesnt feel as quick as in its predecessors.0-100 takes more than 15 secs in both.slightly more in the punto.
but driveability is better in the punto.roll on figures on both are quite identical.
gear shift is better in ritz.the long clutch travel in punto has a part to play in the higher 0-100 timings and it requires a bit of getting used to.
NVH levels are slightly better in the ritz though the engine sound in the cabin of the punto does sound exciting.
F.e of both is great and almost similar.

safety wise the punto comes with all the safety features in the high end model.Ritz only has the option of ABS.
The high end model in the punto boasts of ACC,blue n me,trip meter and other gadgets.Ritz has none.

Ofcourse Ritz will outsell the punto by a few thousands but does it have the punch to match its elder brother the swift?
Full marks to FIAT for making the hottest looking hatch back on road.I saw a red punto on road and it has amazing road presence and snob value.
For me punto is the winner in this comparison and 75% of this is due to looks and the balance 25% is due to safety features.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:28   #2
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IMHO, Ritz is far better than Punto in terms of market value and resale. Fiat's pathetic dealership ruins the party everywhere. Ritz is also quicker than Punto. It may not have the driving dynamics of Punto, but it is far better than Punto for a normal Indian who always look for Mileage, *** and Resale.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:43   #3
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Punto is bigger/better looking/has got better interiors more equipped and far more better to ride and handle as compared to Ritz.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:45   #4
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I am not much of a diesel guy but if I had to chose between the 2 for diesel, will definitely chose the Punto. Infact I am considering the Petrol Punto for my next car. Ritz is far too ugly to be even considered.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:46   #5
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Originally Posted by funda2max View Post
IMHO, Ritz is far better than Punto in terms of market value and resale. Fiat's pathetic dealership ruins the party everywhere. Ritz is also quicker than Punto. It may not have the driving dynamics of Punto, but it is far better than Punto for a normal Indian who always look for Mileage, *** and Resale.
The poll is not to compare after sales service of Ritz and Punto, but to compare the cars.

As far car comparision goes, its unfair to compare Ritz and Punto in first place as both are from different segments. Punto is far far ahead thans Ritz and much better.

There is no comparison in terms of safety, build quality and ride comfort. Punto is leagues ahead of Ritz.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:52   #6
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Punto's "Italian beauty" looks and 'Blue n Me' notwithstanding, i would still vote for the Ritz.

- Its a practical, tall boy hatch. Great for city drives.
- Engine feels more peppy and refined than the Punto.
- Easy availability of spares and accessories.
- Maruti's legendary A.S.S. As of now, Fiat does not even come close.
- Better quality plastics.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:53   #7
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Its a tough choice actually. If I am not buying and only voting, then the Punto. If am buying, then its the Ritz.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:55   #8
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Mind says Ritz, heart says Punto. For once i'd listen to my heart and vote for the Punto as I feel its more of an enthusiast's car.
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Old 16th July 2009, 10:59   #9
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I think it is imperative that we add Swift to this comparison. After all it is the real star in the compact segment for so long. It is definitely more fun to drive compared to Ritz and much more to Punto. Punto may have the best handling, but Swift is not too far behind. Ritz is a family car with more space and better interiors than swift.

In my books Swift is the best looking hatch who's a head turner even after 4 years of making the debut. Punto is very new and soon the looks will fade while Swift's design is still contemporary. It is the most modded car and is real performer. There is something about Swift that evokes a positive response and I guess that it is the Character of this beauty. I still feel the real competition to Swift is still the Swift only

Pls add swift to the list. My vote is for Swift DDiS. I haven't still voted
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Old 16th July 2009, 11:04   #10
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Originally Posted by nurni76 View Post
I think it is imperative that we add Swift to this comparison. After all it is the real star in the compact segment for so long. It is definitely more fun to drive compared to Ritz and much more to Punto. Punto may have the best handling, but Swift is not too far behind. Ritz is a family car with more space and better interiors than swift.

In my books Swift is the best looking hatch who's a head turner even after 4 years of making the debut. Punto is very new and soon the looks will fade while Swift's design is still contemporary. It is the most modded car and is real performer. There is something about Swift that evokes a positive response and I guess that it is the Character of this beauty. I still feel the real competition to Swift is still the Swift only

Pls add swift to the list. My vote is for Swift DDiS. I haven't still voted
I agree completely..the Swift is THE best hatch till date, IMHO. It is awesome fun to drive, and both the diesel and the petrol have distinct characters of their own, which at the end of the day translate into amazing driving pleasure. Taut chassis, nice steering and that scrumptious shifer. Love the feel of the car, it just wraps itself around you and you blast off
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Old 16th July 2009, 11:08   #11
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GRANDE PUNTO is my choice anytime. Ritz may have resale value. But when you are buying a car you need think about enjoying the car and its performance and ride handling instead of thinking about resale value when selling, even before buying the car.
No one buys a car to sell it within a year or so. So forget about resale value and enjoy the car.

FIAT cars are always better than maruti in terms of Safety.
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Old 16th July 2009, 11:09   #12
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I hate the face and grill of Punto, spoils the party for me, which is end of story.

I think this grill is much better on Punto -
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Old 16th July 2009, 11:17   #13
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Punto is a competitor for Swift and not Ritz. Hence not voted
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Old 16th July 2009, 11:22   #14
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Originally Posted by maverickxx2006 View Post
The poll is not to compare after sales service of Ritz and Punto, but to compare the cars.

As far car comparision goes, its unfair to compare Ritz and Punto in first place as both are from different segments. Punto is far far ahead thans Ritz and much better.

There is no comparison in terms of safety, build quality and ride comfort. Punto is leagues ahead of Ritz.
If you cant compare the service of the 2 cars, then don't compare safety as well. Ritz Vdi does't have airbags and you compare with the top end Emotion pack. I dont think it is fair. Compare like to like models then. Also Maruti can always add airbagas and improve the safety. No big deal. But for Fiat to match the service levels: sorry they will not be able to do it even if they stand upside down
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Old 16th July 2009, 11:23   #15
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voted for ritz.. it looks cute and is VFM. i guess punto is mainly a car lover's car.(not that the others should not buy) but ritz appeals to all masses more than punto.
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