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Old 1st April 2009, 23:40   #106
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It can be tolerated to the extent if it is in English as well as regional language.

But I am seeing number plates only in Kannada in some vehicles in Bangalore. If they make an accident and run who would be able to note the number?

See the bike

Only Marathi Number plates in Maharashtra if Dy C.M. has his way-dsc00927.jpg

The guy driving the M 800 is certainly an educated guy, a doctor!

There is a bright red Swift as well as red bike in my apartment complex which sports only Kannada number plate.

Only Marathi Number plates in Maharashtra if Dy C.M. has his way-dsc00978.jpg

Even Police vehicles are not following rules, eventhough it has dual plates, the size of the Alphabets and numbers are not as per standard size.

Only Marathi Number plates in Maharashtra if Dy C.M. has his way-dsc00867.jpg

And now it is the turn of State Election Commissioner

Only Marathi Number plates in Maharashtra if Dy C.M. has his way-dsc00925.jpg

Last edited by sudheeshnairs : 1st April 2009 at 23:55.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 14:34   #107
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Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Transport minister of Maharashtra has come up with a demand that vehicles which don't go outside the state should have only Marathi number plates.


State transport minister Diwakar Raote has demanded that vehicles that don't go outside the state should have number plate in Marathi language.

Raote met Union transport minister Nitin Gadkari on Wednesday to ask for changes in the rules to allow for having number plates in regional language.
Raote said that when previously Gadkari wanted to have name plates of vehicles in the state in Devnagri font. But then the central government said that number plates should be in English and Marathi.

"We want it to be only on Marathi. Gadkari was positive about this demand and has asked the relevant department to issue the notification soon," said Raote.
Source - ( incoherent article from TOI again )


Gadkari was positive about this ?? I am sure sense will prevail soon
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Old 22nd September 2016, 14:44   #108
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Originally Posted by vivek95 View Post
Transport minister of Maharashtra has come up with a demand that vehicles which don't go outside the state should have only Marathi number plates.
Should I call it weird or non-sense?
This proposal may be agreed if people who know marathi will only be allowed to enter MH. What if a person who doesn't know marathi and should complain regarding a accident / hit and run? I fail to understand how this proposal will do any good for the public.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 14:55   #109
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Yes, why not. Number plates in non-Marathi languages are bigger problems than floods, droughts, crumbling infrastructure, potholed roads, increasing crime rates etc. Let's concentrate on getting the number plates changed to Marthi numbers and Maharashtra will get better than America overnight.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 15:10   #110
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Originally Posted by Mr.Boss View Post
What if a person who doesn't know marathi and should complain regarding a accident / hit and run? I fail to understand how this proposal will do any good for the public.
Isn't it a convenient way to reduce the number of traffic complaints? Many of the Indian Languages have numbering systems of their own, but even the native speakers are not aware of such numbers. Beats the purpose of displaying the number on the vehicle. Such vehicle owner might as well remove and keep such incomprehensible number plates at home.
One more thing - what do they mean by vehicles that do not go out of the state? Does this mean only local autos, city buses, and LCVs?
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Old 22nd September 2016, 15:11   #111
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

At a time when Mumbai is literally suffering from unaccounted number of potholes, pathetically designed flyovers, this comes as a big whammy.

1. How are they going to define which vehicle goes outside Maharashtra and which does not ?

2. What If I have a non frequent requirement of visting the neighbouring states on business trips or family visits (say once in 3-4 months), Do I keep 2 number plates and change them every time I go outside ?

3. What happens if a vehicle with a vernacular plate hits me and I am not able to read the number. do they expect me to learn to read each and evry script available in India. As per Google "There are 22 major languages in India, written in 13 different scripts," So I must go back to school and learn to read all 13 of them.

May be the government has found a way to increase the literacy rate of Maharashtra.

Seriously this country is going to the .......
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Old 22nd September 2016, 15:13   #112
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

It is a proposal and IMHO, it will just remain that. Someone with better sense will knock this down.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 15:26   #113
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Absolutely preposterous. They need to realize that Maharashtra is now home to many non-Maharashtrians who may not know to read Marathi. On one side Pune and Solapur are in the smart cities list and then this, which no way near smart in anyway. What an Irony!
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Old 22nd September 2016, 18:56   #114
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

^^Agree with what all of you have said. While I am quite sure this rule would not get implemented ever , such senseless ideas should be nipped in the bud.

I am not sure whether this one should be termed as a publicity stunt done by the minister with misplaced priorities in mind regarding welfare? of the community OR a freedom of expression ? Whatever it is, I hope this thing will never come in the news again.

By the way, how about a project - " Smart Politicians " ?
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Old 22nd September 2016, 19:03   #115
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Gentlemen - I beg to completely differ with all of you who are against this brilliant idea. You may surely ask why & below are my arguments in favour:
1. Most Mumbaikars are used to the potholes, traffic jams, accidents, safety or rather the lack of it, so why should the Hon. Minister also be bothered.
2. This leaves the poor man with no job to do. As in all cases he has to create some work for himself and his office to continue being paid (don't ask salary or anything else).
3. The Hon. Minister would have surely seen the immense creativity with which people write BABA, BHAU in Marathi script on the number plates.
4. Seeing that only a few influential people can take this creative route, leaving a lot of mortals who follow rules and have an English number plate only he is giving us an opportunity to be creative with the number plate.
5. He is also creating an equal playing ground for cops. They will no longer be afraid (or at least not hesitate) in stopping cars which have number plates in such artistic ways as all of us will use our creativity to the max and put these number plates - now officially.
6. Lastly it will make identifying Maharashtra vehicles going rarely out of the state now extremely easy.
7. Cops in other states will not be able to book any MH cars as they will not be able to identify the number in the 1st place.

In case you are still not laughing or cursing me, please understand I take 1 hour to cover a distance of 6 km between work & home. This is just due to 1 reason - BAD ROADS.

I too consider this idea to be extremely childish & proof that we have elected pea brains to the most important seats of power. Its a shame that instead of improving the road infra in the country's Financial Capital we have such useless ideas being proposed.

The way in which Mumbai roads are getting jammed I foresee a day when we all will remain stand still for hours and burn fuel and a hole in our pocket.

Oh I am sure now this minister will come up with something which says that we should all save fuel.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 19:45   #116
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

My "Not Really a Conspiracy Theory" - we are moving swiftly towards a divided India.

Numerous tiny steps towards this goal are being taken on a daily basis all over India. Soon we will need visas to get out of our city. Every state will be a nation and just imagine the glory - each CM will be a PM....
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Old 23rd September 2016, 06:56   #117
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

Idiots are elected.. idiotic proposals will be made.
There is a clear co-relation to that..
Or maybe it's just another diversionary tactic from something else. Either ways, it's a change to be shocked at something other than the sad state of the roads here. Such blatant corruption can only happen in a semi-banana republic IMO.
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Old 23rd September 2016, 08:03   #118
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Re: Weird proposal regarding vehicle number plates in Maharashtra

We all know this is not going to see light of the day for obvious reasons. Even countries like China have numberplates in English.

Nothing new with this, this has been said before: (Only Marathi Number plates in Maharashtra if Dy C.M. has his way)
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