re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide Quote:
Originally Posted by RemingtonSteele Catain Slow, You turned out to be real fast.
Jokes apart, Wow!!! those pic show amazing result with Collinite-915.
The dark colour really comes up with real good finish with Marque D' Elegance. BTW do you know how will be finish on light colours (tafetta white ANHC) ??
I think I need try 915 when I exhaust with my 845 stock. |
Haha! I live up to my name. Thank you Remingstonsteele.
I can try the 915 on a metallic silver car and let you know. But you will have to wait another month for the results. Quote:
Originally Posted by sohail99 Nice pics and great results! (btw I couldn't find any bird poo! lol)
Anyways, do get a good trim protectant like Megs Ultimate protectant etc. for the door handles and the plastic trim pieces here and there!
UV is really harsh on those parts as they have no protection from UV!
Seems like I'd have to try 915 pretty soon! |
The bird poo is there all right but well hidden thanks to the bright sun
Yes Im trying to get them.
Yup the unpainted black plastics have turned whitish already. I tried formula 1's high performance black protectant. Turned out to be garbage, utterly useless.
I had a bottle of STPs son of a gun. (thats what its called ) STP® Fuel & Oil Additives - Choose The Best Fuel Additive For Your Car
This thing was pretty amazing, always restored plastics to their original finish and gave them a nice black shine.
Sohail If you like your car to be all shiny and look brand new then the 915 is a must. I was very generous and used a lot even now the tub looks full. At this rate this 1 tub will last me 20-30 waxing sessions atleast. Quote:
Originally Posted by csateesh Wow Wow Captain !!
You have turned a PRO. The results look too good.
Just like Sohail indicated I looked hard but couldn't find the bird poo !!
May be you mistook one of the reflections to be poo
Does Collinite 915 come in trigger spray version just like the Collinite 845 ? |
haha! No Csateesh, the 915 comes in a tub. Even the 845 doesn't come in trigger spray.
Sohail should email Collinite Quote:
Originally Posted by bottle Any suggestions on how to restore the door side rubber strips ? They are white from sun and previous polish attempts at service centers | Mothers® Back-to-Black®
STP's son of a gun or Mothers Back to black.
Both are fine products. Quote:
Originally Posted by mkh Great results, Captain, certainly the guys around must be wondering- what is guy doing standing and taking his car pics
@ Conoco- where did you get the ONR shipped from? The micro looks plush for sure, did you buy the blue 3M from a shop? Have found the blue 3M to be the best ones for all uses! |
It was a lot worse when they saw me waxing the car at home.
Last edited by Captain Slow : 3rd March 2011 at 16:12.