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Old 28th February 2011, 08:26   #4171
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

hard water marks have always been a pain on paint, especially from basement parkings. any idea where from this 'magic' water seeps in on our car roofs leaving an indelible white patch?
I traced one to a leaking toilet drain!
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Old 28th February 2011, 13:43   #4172
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Shamanth - The foam pad needs to be cleaned ASAP once you finish your process with it to avoid caking up of the residue. You can lightly brush it under running water with a mild brush to remove residue.

Squeeze it to remove the water & dry with the velcro side on top so that the backing is not soaked with water.
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Old 28th February 2011, 16:24   #4173
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by nirmaljusdoit View Post
Shamanth - The foam pad needs to be cleaned ASAP once you finish your process with it to avoid caking up of the residue. You can lightly brush it under running water with a mild brush to remove residue.

Squeeze it to remove the water & dry with the velcro side on top so that the backing is not soaked with water.
Thanks for your suggestion Nirmal. So hot water is not a option for Velcro foam pads right? In autogeek and other website, i see some tools, and also some chemical spray and powder, How effective are these ?
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Old 28th February 2011, 16:35   #4174
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by shamanth View Post
Thanks for your suggestion Nirmal. So hot water is not a option for Velcro foam pads right? In autogeek and other website, i see some tools, and also some chemical spray and powder, How effective are these ?
The XMT polishing pad cleaner is effective, that said its not that big a difference if you are doing an occasional detail. I got it free with my purchase hence had to use it, but does make my life easier. If you can immediately wash off the pads after use, it should not matter that much i feel
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Old 28th February 2011, 16:54   #4175
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

+ to what MKH has said, you dont need to use any hot water for cleaning, a simple brush available in your neighboring store should do. If you are not able to clean the pads immediately, spray them with water to keep them moist & wash them a while later, will avoid the caking up. Btw, please post your review of your Dewalt & the compounds you used along with it !
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Old 1st March 2011, 00:09   #4176
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

You can use VIM(diswash liquid soap) on the pad.

It really cleans all the polish off of the foam and wool pads really quickly!

Just pour some on the face of the pad and agitate with a brush(I use an old toothbrush!)

If its really caked up, then you need to pre soak them. You can use hot water in a bucket + vim mixed in it.

After you put your pad in there(velcro side up), you'll notice that the velcro part floats above the water at all times!(I usually let them soak overnight and wash them the next day manually with a brush!)


Btw made my collinite 845 into a spray wax!!!

Now application and removal is super convenient!!
Ppl have reported of nearly the same durability compared to, as when you apply it with a conventional foam pad and let it haze!

(but that method is kinda messy and requires more time!!, I was able to wax half the car(Mid size(ANHC)) in like 5 mins flat with 845 and spray head)!!!

Only downside of this according to me, is that the product usage would increase! But I try to use minimal sprays per panel.(usually one spray is enough to deposit enough wax for doing one panel like the door, but you can alter it as per panel sizes etc.)

convenience = better compliance!

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Old 1st March 2011, 16:29   #4177
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Hi guys, need some suggestions. My Fabia is little more than a month old. I had parked it in Forum Mall Bangalore terrace parking and some lowlife has keyed it all over. There is one long scratch around the car

The good news is the wax covering seems to have taken most of the brunt and has saved the paint in most places. Also since this is a light silver car, the scratches are not very visible. The pics are attached below with scratches highlighted

There are two options before me, DIY or professional. Can you guys please help out?
- DIY: what scratch removing compound/solution would be best for this? I have no experience in painting and want to try a simple solution only
- Professional: is the job serious enough to go to a professional? Is there someone good close to Indira Nagar and what would be the approx cost?

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-1.jpg

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-2.jpg

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-3.jpg

Btw if anyone has a new car in Bangalore, please remove the plastic seat covers if you are parking in a public area. Otherwise it is going to attract these vandals who love spoiling new cars
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Old 1st March 2011, 17:43   #4178
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^OMG!!! may the lowlife who did this, see hell really-really soon!!

btw check by running your fingernail perpendicular to the scratch. If the scratch catches your fingernail, then the scratch is too deep to remove by compounding!

In places where it doesn't catch the nail, those scratches can be removed by using a compound! (3M perfect it compound is amazing for serious scratch removal!)

If you compound with that, follow up with a polish to renew the gloss on the dull areas left behind by the compound.

Best approach on scratch removal on this though is sanding > compounding > polishing

Still it wont be removed from places where its too deep, but it'll make them easier to live with!

Now if you want perfection, and want it to look, just like it was before, then repaint might be the only answer(on panels with primer or paint deep scratches!)
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Old 1st March 2011, 19:18   #4179
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by guha_2001 View Post
Hi guys, need some suggestions. My Fabia is little more than a month old. I had parked it in Forum Mall Bangalore terrace parking and some lowlife has keyed it all over. There is one long scratch around the car

The good news is the wax covering seems to have taken most of the brunt and has saved the paint in most places. Also since this is a light silver car, the scratches are not very visible. The pics are attached below with scratches highlighted

There are two options before me, DIY or professional. Can you guys please help out?
- DIY: what scratch removing compound/solution would be best for this? I have no experience in painting and want to try a simple solution only
- Professional: is the job serious enough to go to a professional? Is there someone good close to Indira Nagar and what would be the approx cost?

Attachment 509435

Attachment 509436

Attachment 509437

Btw if anyone has a new car in Bangalore, please remove the plastic seat covers if you are parking in a public area. Otherwise it is going to attract these vandals who love spoiling new cars
Man wish can catch one of these morons and give them a beating of their life. BTW i too had faced something similar- check your PM ,sent you some info that maybe a life saver You are are right about not attracting attention on your car
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Old 1st March 2011, 22:29   #4180
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post

Btw made my collinite 845 into a spray wax!!!

Now application and removal is super convenient!!
Ppl have reported of nearly the same durability compared to, as when you apply it with a conventional foam pad and let it haze!

(but that method is kinda messy and requires more time!!, I was able to wax half the car(Mid size(ANHC)) in like 5 mins flat with 845 and spray head)!!!

Only downside of this according to me, is that the product usage would increase! But I try to use minimal sprays per panel.(usually one spray is enough to deposit enough wax for doing one panel like the door, but you can alter it as per panel sizes etc.)

convenience = better compliance!

Attachment 509225

Your picture should be sent to collinite corporation. You might get recruited there as packing designer.

Last edited by shamanth : 1st March 2011 at 22:31.
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Old 2nd March 2011, 00:11   #4181
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re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

When my colorado red ford figo was parked at my work place, cement spray from work on the top floor of the neighbouring building had fallen on my car. It was well dried by the sun and was noticed by me only the day after. Cement specks from the body are falling off when i rub with my finger nail enclosed in a wet cloth, but the specks on the windshield refuse to go.
How do I remove them, what protection can I offer my car?
PS- a car cover is not an option, neither is shade provided by my employer or available nearby.
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Old 2nd March 2011, 02:09   #4182
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^You need a solution that will dissolve the cement. Vinegar solution is an option if the cement had not set in very hard:
How to Remove Cement From Paint & Glass |
How to Clean Cement From a Car |

In any case you have to soak the cement for a while and not rush to use any quick abrasive techniques. Gently wax the affected areas too for safety.

This is a targeted cement remover based on sugar - interesting !:
Cement Remover
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Old 2nd March 2011, 05:23   #4183
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While scouting the clearance section in Wal Mart, I noticed that the last piece of Autoglym HD wax was being sold for 20 USD. Picked it up in a jiffy!

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Also, someone kind gifted me with a Amazon gift card, and I spent 25 USD from it to get the Meg's wash and wax kit.

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With spring arriving fast, all I need is a hose and a bucket - and off we go detailing again!
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Old 2nd March 2011, 11:52   #4184
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^ Since you are in the US, get a pressure washer and a foam cannon!!

or if you're using a hose, get a foam gun from amazon to use with that!(will foam up the whole car without probs)

And HD wax is one hell of a beader as well as sheeter!! One prob with it during spring and current use is, pollen!!!

Since its a carnauba wax, it'll hold up dust and pollen readily onto its surface which will seem to get covered in pollen pretty quickly!

During this period, its best if you use a sealant to prevent pollen probs!(with a sealant, it'll be easier to clean up afterwards!)
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Old 2nd March 2011, 16:06   #4185
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Auto Glym products have a very good name, but are possibly overpriced --- so any good bargain deal is probably about right

I have used their glass cleaner for years. It removes grease and grime better than any other that I have tried. I just use it occasionally, when the glass still seems smeared after normal wash/micro-fibre-wipe, and it restores the shine to the glass. Use it on the inside of the glass too, of course. If anybody smokes in your car (completely banned in mine, but it wasn't always that way: used to be an ashtray filler myself) it will clean that yellowish layer off nicely.

Last time in London, got three-for-price-of-two, and one only uses a little at a time!

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 2nd March 2011 at 16:08.
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