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Old 27th August 2010, 09:01   #46
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@ sheel -

All the cars in the 3-4 L bracket would almost be nearly as good or as bad. Eventually it all comes down to what you personally like and want rather than going by a 'friend's' opinion or generic review comments.

All these cars sell in good enough numbers and have enough takers - even outside the MUL stable.

At the end of the day, you are buying a car for yourself / family. That should be the primary and infact the only basis for a decision as you cant go wrong with either choices.
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Old 27th August 2010, 09:19   #47
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Originally Posted by jigbarai View Post
@ sheel -

All the cars in the 3-4 L bracket would almost be nearly as good or as bad. Eventually it all comes down to what you personally like and want rather than going by a 'friend's' opinion or generic review comments.

All these cars sell in good enough numbers and have enough takers - even outside the MUL stable.

At the end of the day, you are buying a car for yourself / family. That should be the primary and infact the only basis for a decision as you cant go wrong with either choices.
I am all up for A* and have driven it extensively and love it for its very good steering(despite EPS) and suspension, no body-roll(almost none), but can't have one, Wagon R Vxi has a 3 month waiting period. So can't make up and it will be the second car(mostly 2 up front, and zilch occupancy at the back).
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Old 27th August 2010, 10:06   #48
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Originally Posted by Sheel View Post
I am all up for A* and have driven it extensively and love it for its very good steering(despite EPS) and suspension, no body-roll(almost none), but can't have one, Wagon R Vxi has a 3 month waiting period. So can't make up and it will be the second car(mostly 2 up front, and zilch occupancy at the back).
If you are having occupancy of two most of the time, you can try K10. Being lower in height it has no body roll. The engine is same as A Star, Zen, Wagon R, and the AC is superb. All in all it is the zippiest car this side of 5 lacs (if not more). I bough K10 on 8th and have been having a whale of a time driving in Delhi - Heavy Rain, Water Logging (6"-18"), Broken Roads, Heavy Traffic. The K10 takes it all in its stride with the AC cooling perfectly.
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Old 8th September 2010, 11:52   #49
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Some how I m not sure why we are comparing alto k10 vxi with a-star lxi , as we get more features in k10 vxi compared to a-star lxi. And k10 costs less.
Attached Thumbnails
Alto K10 Vxi vs Discounted A Star/Wagon R Lxi?-clipboard03.jpg  

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Old 9th September 2010, 12:18   #50
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Originally Posted by jojipg View Post
Some how I m not sure why we are comparing alto k10 vxi with a-star lxi , as we get more features in k10 vxi compared to a-star lxi. And k10 costs less.
Because that is the nearest you get in price. The A Star is the new Alto in the International Market. Maybe the forum members want to understand why Maruti had to introduce the K10, when they had two perfectly positioned products - the Alto (800 = old) and the new Alto (A Star).

For a VFM sensitive clientele the A Star made no sense, as evident from the sales numbers, while the Alto 800 is still being lapped up, hence in my opinion, pep up the Alto and increase the sales.

If the A Star sales languish, I will not be surprised if goodies like - ABS, Air Bags and Rear Demister/Washer make their way to the K10 (Zxi?)
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Old 9th September 2010, 12:29   #51
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Originally Posted by jojipg View Post
Some how I m not sure why we are comparing alto k10 vxi with a-star lxi , as we get more features in k10 vxi compared to a-star lxi. And k10 costs less.
The A-Star is a more contemporary car designed from the ground up. It has a cash discount of Rs 27K and one gets free accessories of Rs 10 K, so final price will be Rs 3,26,220 on the road. A-Star has no discounts as yet.
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Old 9th September 2010, 15:36   #52
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i just took a test drive of k10.
pricing k10- on road -3.64 lacs
wagon r lxi- 3.8 lacs with discounts.

i dont know why but my head is saying wagon r makes more sense by putting extra 20k
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Old 10th September 2010, 11:05   #53
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Originally Posted by amit_mechengg View Post
i just took a test drive of k10.
pricing k10- on road -3.64 lacs
wagon r lxi- 3.8 lacs with discounts.

i dont know why but my head is saying wagon r makes more sense by putting extra 20k
The WagonR is much more practical while the K10 will be fun to drive. Unless you are looking at a fun to drive car with awesome FE to boot, the WagonR makes more sense.You get a 10 year younger chassis, loads of headroom and better build quality for a difference of about 15k. All in all you get much more for that 15k. The quality of plastics used,seat fabrics and almost everything else is much better in the WagonR than the K10. The WagonR appeals to the head, while the K10 appeals to the heart.

Last edited by longhorn : 10th September 2010 at 11:13.
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Old 10th September 2010, 19:08   #54
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Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
The A-Star is a more contemporary car designed from the ground up. It has a cash discount of Rs 27K and one gets free accessories of Rs 10 K, so final price will be Rs 3,26,220 on the road. A-Star has no discounts as yet.
Sorry for the typo. The highlighted part should read "the final ex-showroom price of the A-Star will be Rs 3,26,220.00. The K 10 has no discounts as yet."
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Old 10th September 2010, 19:46   #55
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The ANWR(All New Wagon-R) anyday ; it has everything-space,easy ingress/egress,good road view,the same K10 engine all within the 3.5-4 lac price range
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Old 25th September 2010, 17:58   #56
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For a second car A* makes better sense as its atleast 2 generations newer than Alto or Alto K10. Positives: A "Good for Lady car", Small, FE

For a primary vehicle in the family WagonR is great. Positives: Space, FE & Resaleability
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Old 25th September 2010, 19:06   #57
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Originally Posted by sunnyside View Post
For a second car A* makes better sense as its atleast 2 generations newer than Alto or Alto K10.
A Star is only 1 generation newer compared to the our Indian Alto.
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Old 1st October 2010, 19:42   #58
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I would recommend spending the extra 20k and going in for the wagonR, unless zippy performance is more important to you. The wagonR is easy to drive in the city, and trust, me, when you are sitting in heavy traffic, a more specious car would make you feel better, as would a higher seating position.
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Old 4th October 2010, 10:39   #59
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It all boils down to you priorities and driving style.

If you are driving alone most of the time, want excellent AC, peppy performance and good FE go for the K10.

If you have a family and most of the time there are three or more persons, reconfigurable seating is an added plus and want safety features, then go for Wagon R. But then the Wagon R to go for is the one with Air Bags & ABS, rear wiper/washer, and that is 1L more than K10 ex-showroom

In my opinion A Star is neither here nor there. It neither has the pep and FE of K10, nor the space of Wagon R.
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Old 4th October 2010, 10:52   #60
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I would have said K10 all the way....

- Performance
- Economy
- Zen looks
- Tubeless Rubber
- Central Lockin
- Power windows

But for one crucial factor... Safety. I think the new generations A* shell is more safer than Alto and for that one moment when you really need it. All the above arithmatic is not well worth it.
So A* all da way!
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